Cigar News: General Cigar Announces Cohiba Blue

Cigar News: General Cigar Announces Cohiba Blue

Cigar News: General Cigar Announces Cohiba BlueCOHIBA BLUE

Press Release – has always been synonymous with luxury smoking experiences. The brand’s latest collection, , takes this to an entirely different level by introducing the notion of inclusive luxury. The world’s finest tobaccos create the most enduring experiences. is indeed the cigar for all who desire to live the good life.

Cigar News: General Cigar Announces Cohiba BlueAndres Maturen, brand manager of said, “With , we present collection that speaks to the ethos of the brand. Made with a curated selection of tobaccos, handcrafted by renowned artisans, and created for all those who seek the indulgence of a fine cigar, symbolizes a life well lived.”

The blending team created a velvety, medium-bodied cigar with a rich, complex taste and enticing aroma. To achieve the desired flavor, they began with a silky, rosado-hued Honduran Olancho San Agustin (OSA) wrapper and took a unique approach by selecting Honduran OSA for the binder as well. The layered wrapper-binder deepens the smoking experience and imparts subtle, earthy notes. The blend consists of Honduran Jamastran, Nicaraguan Ometepe and Dominican Piloto Cubano to provide hints of cocoa and caramel, with a light touch of sweetness. The unique, three-country blend represents the world’s most revered tobacco growing regions and delivers a sophisticated, memorable smoke.

The cigars are protected hand-painted bright blue wooden boxes, each containing 20 flawlessly handcrafted cigars.

  • Churchill (7.5 X 50); SRP per cigar is $10.99
  • Robusto (5.5 X 50); SRP per cigar is $9.99
  • Rothschild (4.5 X 50); SRP per cigar $8.99
  • (6 X 54); SRP per cigar is $10.49

About General Cigar

Co. is a leading manufacturer and marketer of handcrafted cigars for the premium market. The company is owned by Scandinavian Tobacco Group. Committed to delivering cigars of the finest quality, ‘s skilled artisans produce Macanudo®, ®, La Gloria Cubana®, Partagas®, CAO®, Punch®, Hoyo de Monterrey®, Excalibur® and several other leading premium brands in the company’s Dominican, Honduran and Nicaraguan factories. In addition, the company cultivates proprietary tobacco which is used exclusively in its blends and has a dedicated R&D practice that develops new varieties of tobacco and revitalizes vintage seeds. also operates Club Macanudo®, a cigar bar in New York City. In 2010, entered into a joint venture agreement with Plasencia Group to expand its leaf growing and processing expertise and increase its access to tobacco. Based in Richmond, VA, sells through tobacconists in the U.S. and exports select products to 62 countries. For more information, visit