Cigar News: Meerapfels Release New Cigar with Cuban Tobacco
Cigar News: Meerapfels Release New Cigar with Cuban Tobacco

Cigar News: Meerapfels Release New Cigar with Cuban Tobacco

Cigar News: Meerapfels Release New Cigar with Cuban Tobacco
Cigar News: Meerapfels Release New Cigar with Cuban Tobacco

It’s finally happened. The family has gone into their voluminous stores of Cuban tobacco and created , a unique cigar brand for Europe that incorporates both Cuban and Nicaraguan tobacco.

was blended by Jeremiah and Joshua , the two brothers behind the family-owned Belgian company M. Söhnn. The Meerapfels are well-known throughout the cigar industry for their procurement and brokerage of Cuban tobacco, as well as their cultivation of Cameroon tobacco in Africa.

“Somebody had to do it,” said Jeremiah of his new Cuban blend. “If you know my family’s history, you’ll know that my grandfather Heller was one of the biggest purchasers of 
Cuban tobacco. We have bales and
 bales of Cuban tobacco that we’ve 
been acquiring for decades. We have
 Cuban tobacco from almost every decade since the embargo and have been holding it for a long time.

“For years, we’ve been waiting for the embargo to end, but it never did, so the brand is what we decided to do with all that tobacco.”

Made with a Nicaraguan wrapper and binder, cigars contain a combination of Nicaraguan and Cuban tobacco in the filler—about a 50/50 ratio. said that there is no particular age statement attached to the tobacco.

“When we chose the Cuban tobaccos, we were relying on the taste and aroma, not necessarily the vintage,” explained . “Some of it is as young as five or six years old. Other tobacco is from decades ago.”

For the entire story on , see the current issue of Cigar Insider.

Source: Cigar Aficionado