Cigar News: Quesada Cigars Updates Name, Celebrates 40th Anniversary
Cigar News: Quesada Cigars Updates Name, Celebrates 40th Anniversary

Cigar News: Quesada Cigars Updates Name, Celebrates 40th Anniversary

January 2, 2014 — The family is proud to announce 2014 will be a celebration of the 40th Anniversary of their factory in the . Manuel opened up his facility in 1974 with three rollers, a desk, and a telephone.

Forty years and millions of cigars later, the family continues to thrive, making some of the finest and most reputable cigars in the world. There have been many changes over the years through challenges and triumphs, booms and busts, celebrations and tragedies. The only constant has been Manuel’s love for tobacco, a passion which he has passed on to his daughters, niece and nephews who now work alongside him.

Cigar News: Quesada Cigars Updates Name, Celebrates 40th Anniversary
Cigar News: Updates Name, Celebrates 40th Anniversary

The Family will use 2014 to commemorate 40 years in the cigar business.  As a part of this celebration, the Quesadas will be launching a series of changes and programs throughout the year.
The first change is to the name of the company.  Going forward, the Factory and distribution company will now be known as .  In a statement made by GM Terence Reilly, “ is our family name and we want to make sure all aspects of our operation are associated with it and proudly promote it.”

To celebrate this milestone, the Quesadas will be implementing many exciting changes and programs over the course of the year. The first of these will be a new name: the factory and their current distribution company SAG Imports will now be collectively known as .