Tobacco wholesaler Santa Clara, Inc. is introducing an exclusive cigar from Altadis U.S.A.: Montecristo Volume 1: 100 Days. The cigar is rolled in Honduras at the Flor de Copan factory and blended by the Grupo de Maestros of Altadis U.S.A. The blend is said to contain some tobacco that has been aged ten years and uses an Ecuadorian Habano wrapper, Nicaraguan binder and Nicaraguan and Dominican Republic filler.
Montecristo Volume 1: 100 Days draws inpiration from the chapter “100 Days” in the classic novel, The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas. The events of that chapter take place in the hundred days following Napoleon Bonaparte’s escape from the Isle of Elba and how he reclaimed power in France. The Montecristo Volume 1: 100 Days cigars are put in aromatic cedar bins after being rolled and aged for an additional 100, hence the name. The boxes themselves look like the classic Alexandre Dumas book.
“When Santa Clara started working on this project with the great people at Altadis U.S.A., we set a goal of creating a fantastic and unique cigar that would give adult consumers a memorable smoking experience,” said David Joyce, Director of Wholesale Operations.
Montecristo Volume 1: 100 Days comes in boxes of 10 cigars and in three sizes: 7 x 56 Churchill ($15.00 MSRP per cigar); 5 x 52 Robusto ($13.00 MSRP per cigar); and 6 x 52 Toro ($14.00 MSRP per cigar). All are available exclusively at