Cigars International has announced a new Buffalo Trace Cigar. The first to carry this exclusive cigar will be their newest SuperStore locations in Tampa and Lutz, FL. The new stores are centered around Ybor City, a national landmark district in downtown Tampa, recognized as the birthplace of handmade cigars in the U.S.
Buffalo Trace was made to celebrate the launch of its Florida SuperStores. This is a collaboration with the Kentucky-based whiskey maker. Buffalo Trace is rolled in the Dominican Republic, and was blended to pair with the top-rated Kentucky Straight bourbon of the same name. The blend uses an Ecuadoran Sumatra wrapper, a Brazilian Arapiraca binder and barrel-aged Dominican and Nicaraguan filler. It comes in three sizes and in boxes of 20: Robusto (5” x 49) $7.50, Toro (6” x 52) $8.00, and Churchill (7” x 49) $8.50.