Cohiba is adding their first regular production cigar for the first time since 2020 in the form of the Cohiba Riviera. The cigar is a six-region blend that features the Central American tobacco and is named after the lush San Andrés Tuxtla Valley that bore the cigar’s wrapper.
The Cohiba Riviera is the first time a Mexican San Andrés wrapper has been used in a Cohiba blend and is also the first box-pressed cigar from the brand.
Cohiba Riviera is a bold yet balanced blend of the most exceptional tobaccos from Nicaragua with exclusively-grown tobaccos from Honduras. Medium-to-full bodied and adorned with a delectable wrapper from Mexico, Riviera is an elegant selection offering notes of dark chocolate and coffee bean with a hint of leather and subtle cream on the finish. The experience of Cohiba Riviera is rich and rewarding and befitting of Cohiba‘s status as an ultra-premium cigar brand.
Cohiba Brand Ambassador Sean Williams
Cohiba Riviera is rolled at STG Estelí in Nicaragua. In addition to the Mexican San Andrés wrapper, the blend uses a Honduran-grown Connecticut binder and filler tobaccos that include proprietary Honduran Jamastran and Honduran La Entrada, as well as Nicaraguan Condega and Nicaraguan Estelí. Cohiba Riviera will ship to retailers in May.
The Cohiba Riviera comes in three sizes: Robusto 5” x 52 MSRP per cigar $19.99, Toro 6.5” x 52 MSRP per cigar $21.99, and Perfecto 6” x 60 MSRP per cigar $23.99. The Robusto and Toro come in boxes of 20, while the Perfecto comes in boxes of 10.