Crowned Heads has announced a new limited edition cigar, Azul y Oro. This cigar marks the first time the company is working with the Nicaraguan American Cigars S.A. (NACSA) factory, home of other cigars like the Dunbarton Mi Querida, and Dapper Cigars.
The history of the project goes all the way back to Spring of 2011, when Mike Conder and
Jon Huber traveled to Nicaragua to explore manufacturing opportunities and the premium cigar
landscape at that time. On that trip, their visits into the farms, factories, and warehouses was
largely orchestrated by Gustavo Cura, a man with a storied career in tobacco and cigars.
Gustavo was in Charge of all of Oliva Tobacco Company’s tobacco farms and interests in
Nicaragua, as well as overseeing its tobacco processing subsidiary PROCENICSA. As a token
of gratitude, the Crowned Heads founders gifted Gustavo with a bottle of his favorite blended
Scotch whisky, famous for its iconic blue label. Eleven years later, according to Gustavo, that
bottle remains unopened as a remembrance of the friendship formed a decade ago.
Today, in addition to his role at Oliva Tobacco Company, Gustavo Cura is at the helm of the
NACSA factory in Esteli, Nicaragua, along with General Manager and Master Cigar Maker, Raul
Disla. The two worked together with Crowned Heads to blend a cigar that was
rich, complex, and worthy of the inaugural release from Crowned Heads and NACSA. The
result is Azul y Oro, a limited edition production of 30,000 cigars that takes its brand design inspiration from that iconic bottle of Scotch whisky dating back to 2011. Azul y Oro translates to Blue and Gold.
Azul y Oro is described as a medium-plus-bodied. The blend uses an Ecuadorian Habano wrapper, Nicaraguan Jalapa binder, and filler 3 Nicaraguan regions and the Dominican Republic. The cigar comes in just one size and measures 6″ x 50. Production of Azul y Oro is limited to 2500 boxes of 12 for a total of 30,000 cigars. Azul y Oro has an MSRP of $11.95 per cigar and will begin shipping at the end of November.