Ferio Tego Smart Packaging Will Use Humidifgroup NFC Technology - Cigar News

Ferio Tego Smart Packaging Will Use Humidifgroup NFC Technology – Cigar News

The upcoming cigars form will feature a new technology from . This new smart packaging uses an NFC chip to allow the consumer to quickly scan the packaging and be provided with cigar information, videos and education content. is the first to use this technology in their boxes, but other companies have starting using similar technology such as Plasencia’s NFC chip in their bands, and Oliva’s QR codes. is the first to use this technology from but they will be expanding to other brand in the near future.

has been designing cigar packing for 30 years. By embracing this NFC chip technology, they are enabling the most secure authentication system, opening a wide channel for the customer’s experience and interaction. Users will enjoy amazing features such as VR, AR, pairing notes, tap to reorder and much more.

Smart Packaging by allows us to control our messaging and ensure that we are communicating clearly to our audience. Packaging is an important part of the Experience. Smart packaging technology allows collectors to receive real-time information and communication about and our products. Our retail partners work tirelessly to run their businesses, a challenge made only greater these last 18 months. Smart packaging allows us to assist them, keeping the most helpful details and stories of right on the product itself, delivered straight to a smart phone.

, Principle of Cigars