JR Cigar has announced another offering in its lineup of 50th Anniversary Celebration cigars – Aging Room Quattro Nicaragua JR 50th. The company worked with Rafael Nodal, Head of Product Capability at Tabacalera USA, and AJ Fernandez, to create a new exclusive size in the Aging Room Quattro Nicaragua line.
The new size retains the original blend, which is a Nicaraguan puro. It was blended by Rafael Nodal and AJ Fernandez, using tobaccos grown on AJ’s farms in Nicaragua. The blend itself uses a Nicaraguan Sumatra wrapper, and Nicaraguan binder and fillers.
The Quattro Nicaragua was named the 2019 #1 Cigar of the Year by Cigar Aficionado Magazine and was originally only available as box-pressed. Now, the JR 50th Anniversary edition is a Parejo (rounded) torpedo version.
The Aging Room Quattro Nicaragua has been one of my absolute favorite blends I have developed with AJ Fernandez. The Quattro line has always been box-pressed, but I asked AJ to make a small number of round cigars that I could enjoy and share with close friends. The resulting cigar turned out to provide an exceptional new experience for an already exceptional blend. I could not think of a more special cigar to use for JR’s 50th Anniversary Quattro Nicaragua than the 2019 Cigar of the Year in this very rare format.
Rafael Nodal, Head of Product Capability at Tabacalera USA
The new cigars comes in boxes of 10 and only in one size, a 6 x 52 rounded Torpedo. Only 1,000 boxes were made. Each cigar sells for $10.50 or $105 for a box. This cigar will be available June 8, exclusively at www.JRCigars.com.