JR Cigar continues to celebrate its 50th anniversary with a new collaboration with Davidoff – the Davidoff JR 50th. The Davidoff JR 50th is rolled at TABADOM in the Dominican Republic. The blend uses an Ecuadorian wrapper, Mexican Negro San Andrés wrapper, and filler from Dominican Republic and Nicaragua.
“It is an honor to work on this project with a company as iconic as Davidoff,” says Nick Libretti, brand manager for JR Cigar. “The blend is extraordinary, leaning more towards a modern Davidoff blend with its complexity, yet it still has that signature smoothness and perfect construction.”
The cigar is described as medium-full blend offering a combination of great flavor and a smooth, rich aroma. Davidoff JR 50th comes in packs of 10 and in one size, a 6 x 52 toro. Only 350 packs were made. Each cigar retials for $33.20 which means each 10-pack sells for $332. They go on sale May 19 at www.JRCigars.com.