JR Cigar has been celebrating their 50th Anniversary year with a number of new exclusive cigars, but now they have announced a 100-count custom numbered humidor. The humidor was designed by renowned accessory designer Nick Nanavichit and his team at Nsolo Consulting Group. Nsolo previously designed the Davidoff Winston Churchill Wooden Ashtray set as well as several other prominent boxes and accessories.
The entire year-long 50th Anniversary campaign has been such a fun project for us – and this humidor has really got the JR Team excited. While our cigar releases are at the forefront, we wanted to create something commemorative and special for our customers. This humidor not only celebrates our past, but also showcases our bright future.
Nick Libretti, Brand Manager for JR Cigar
The humidor is said to hold 100 cigars. The interior is made entirely of cedar wood, while the handle, feet, and hinges are gold plated zinc metal. The JR 50th anniversary logo can be found on the outside as gold foil, and inside branded into the wood and tray. The humidor also includes a back shelf for Boveda packs. Only 50 numbered humidors were made, and it measures 16.4” W x 9.6” L x 7.17” H. MSRP will run $399.95 and will be available July 29, exclusively at www.JRCigars.com.