Quick Cigar Review: Davidoff | Superior Toro Cigar Info

The is said to exemplify the accomplishment of three Masters of their craft at : Master Blenders Henke Kelner and , and Agronomist Manuel Peralta. For more than 40 years, these three have worked together to make cigars, and the Suprior is the culmination of their craft.

The blend uses a wrapper from Ecuador, Binder from Domincan Republic, and Filler from including special Hybrids 192 & 133 from the Yamasa Region. Master Agronomist Manuel Peralta, also known to many as the “Tobacco Whisperer” spent years designing these new hybrid seeds. From there the tobacco is aged for a minimum of 3 years.


A beautifully smooth tan wrapper with a few prominent veins, adorned by an expertly applied triple cap. On those nose, scents of chlorine, oak, and musty earthiness are clearly evident. The cold draw reveals a sweet, rubbery, damp mustiness.

Quick Cigar Review: Davidoff | Superior Toro First Third

Off the bat I am greeted with a distinct oaky flavor along with creamy sweetness that lingers on the pallet. As the sweetness times down, leather and black pepper take its place.

Quick Cigar Review: Davidoff | Superior Toro Second Third

Round two begins off with a wonderfully mild medium creamy mix of leather, cedar, and red pepper on the retrohale. Rounding off this third a sweet, salty and nutty flavor takes over to carry me to the end.

Quick Cigar Review: Davidoff | Superior Toro Final Third

Lastly, I begin the final portion with flavors of the same sweet creaminess from previous thirds as well as a peppery nuttiness on the retrohale. Halfway through the sweetness morphs into a butterscotch toasty note that takes me to the very end.

Overall Impression

Overall, this was a very tasty cigar with many flavors one doesn’t typically get with many sticks. I thoroughly enjoyed the sweet creamy flavors that exuded from the cigar. The burn was spot on and construction near perfect. The only issue was the super flaky ash, which ended up all over me as bits and pieces would separate from the main bulk. Worth $32? Maybe as a celebratory smoke or if you want something that is a change of pace that is a mild/medium profile. Thumbs up on this masterpiece.

-John A. (Bostoneo)

Quick Cigar Review: Davidoff | Superior Toro

Quick Cigar Review: Davidoff | Superior Toro
Overall, this was a very tasty cigar with many flavors one doesn't typically get with many sticks. I thoroughly enjoyed the sweet creamy flavors that exuded from the cigar. The burn was spot on and construction near perfect. The only issue was the super flaky ash, which ended up all over me as bits and pieces would separate from the main bulk. Worth $32? Maybe as a celebratory smoke or if you want something that is a change of pace that is a mild/medium profile. Thumbs up on this masterpiece.