Ramon Allones No. 2 Edición Limitada 2019 - Blind Cigar Review

Ramon Allones No. 2 Edición Limitada 2019 – Blind Cigar Review

Cigar Info

Every year, creates three cigars. The series began in 2000 and consisted of cigars that featured wrappers that were aged for an extra 2 years and darker in appearance than your typical Cuban cigar. The was actually delayed so long because of COVID that it didn’t hit the shelves until October of 2020. An interesting note about this cigar is that this size was originally sold as the Ramón Allones in 2005 as a U.K. Edición Regional.

This cigar was reviewed blind (no bands) by a panel of at least 4 reviewers. They did not know what they were smoking beforehand. The scores are an average of all the reviewers' scores with outliers removed. All of our cigars reviewed are shipped to the panelists with Boveda packs to ensure optimal smoking experience.

The comes in boxes of 10 that retail for about $330. The packing is unique in its green box. The cigar itself measure 5 1/2 x 52.

Vital Stats:

Length: 5 1/2″
Ring Gauge: 52
Country of Origin:
Factory: Undisclosed
Number of reviewers: 4 (irratebass) (Unpossible_1) (Eulogy) (Bostoneo)
Price: $33.00
Age: 1 year 6 Months
Release Date: October 2020
Contributed by: Blind Man’s Puff

Ramon Allones No. 2 Edición Limitada 2019 - Blind Cigar Review

Initial Impressions

Appearance: 88

“A brilliant shade of reddish-brown adorns this fine-looking which exhibits an uneven surface and contains quite a bit of medium-sized veins.” – (Bostoneo)

Aroma: 89

“Heavy dense wood and manure on the body, followed by milk chocolate on the foot.” – (irratebass)

First Third
Edicion Limitada 2019 – Blind Cigar Review

First Third

Flavor: 89
Strength: Medium
Body/Complexity: Medium

“I pick up salt, walnuts and chocolate on the cold draw. This cigar opens up with a pleasant sweetness to it like a sweet coffee maybe. It’s not an overpowering sweetness because I am also picking up hints of some earth and wood flavors, but no spice. I’d say this is mild to medium like right in the middle.”- (irratebass)

“Oddly enough the cigar starts out with much of the same notes I picked up from the cold draw; sweet raisins and salted peanuts. Retro yields heavy doses of spice reminiscent of anise.” – (Unpossible_1)

Second Third
Edicion Limitada 2019 – Blind Cigar Review

Second Third

Flavor: 86
Strength: Medium
Body/Complexity: Medium

“Well in typical torpedo fashion the draw is getting tighter, and I am having to watch the burn as it is starting to get uneven on me. I am having to puff a few times to get anything. the flavors are the same, however, the sweetness has settled and the earthiness is more prominent…still no spice.” – (irratebass)

“Moving into the second third, the profile remains similar, however damp wood and peppery leather are the two dominant flavors here. Throughout the entire third, this flavor profile remains in place. With a tight draw, it has proven very difficult to get any complexity out of this blend.” – (Bostoneo)

Final Third
Edicion Limitada 2019 – Blind Cigar Review

Final Third

Flavor: 82
Strength: Medium
Body/Complexity: Medium

“The cigar takes a turn and veers away from the baking spices and cinnamon now. I’m still getting a spice, but it is much more akin to licorice. That bit of snappiness from black licorice without the bitter aftertaste you get from the licorice candy. In other words, there is a nice sweetness on the finish.” – (Unpossible_1)

“Ends on mostly a vegetal note. A lot of the oak and tobacco flavors are getting lost in the earthiness. There’s still a mild level of pepper and syrupy texture to the draw but even the retrohale has lost the peppery punch.” – (Eulogy)

Overall Impressions

Draw: 80

“It’s just too tight. I can smoke it but the production is thin and it’s a bit of a chore to smoke.” – (Eulogy)

Burn: 84

“Burn started out decent then became uneven and even burned really hot at one point.” – (irratebass)

Construction: 83

“I’m always leery of figurados because they have caused me grief numerous times, but this one held up admirably.” – (Unpossible_1)

Overall Strength: Medium
Overall Body/Complexity: Medium
Experience Overall: 83

“I am giving this a “bad” rating, not an “unsmokeable” one. This sample was definitely a bad experience, but I am not writing this brand off just yet. I am willing to get back into the ring and try it in a different format because before the cigar went downhill I was really enjoying it. I am curious to see what this was to seek out some different vitola’s. I feel this cigar would be a good first cigar of the day and would pair well with coffee.” – (irratebass)

“This was an enjoyable cigar, I won’t pretend it wasn’t one bit. It offered some good transitions that meshed well together and were flavors I’m a fan of. I could see smoking this again and keeping some on hand as well.” – (Unpossible_1)

“Personally, it is a miss for me. I found the flavors to be muted with a thin body and poor burn. Hopefully, this is an outlier and the others had a more positive experience. The way that it is smoking to me, I’m not sure where it would fall into my rotation. It isn’t bold enough for a nighttime smoke and it’s too mild to stand up against a cup of coffee.” – (Eulogy)

“As much as I tried to enjoy this cigar, it just wasn’t possible due to the bad construction, draw, and burn it exhibited. The draw was so tight, flavors were nearly impossible to enjoy. To confirm this, I am curious to see how others fared for this review. I cannot recommend this cigar based on this sole sample.” – (Bostoneo)

Smoking Time (in minutes): 93

Mickey T. 858588787070837075
Doug S. 909090909085909090
Alan 929290929090879290
John A. 858885837875787878

To view the complete scores and notes, click here.

Ramon Allones No. 2 Edición Limitada 2019 – Blind Cigar Review

Ramon Allones No. 2 Edición Limitada 2019
"Personally, it is a miss for me. I found the flavors to be muted with a thin body and poor burn. Hopefully, this is an outlier and the others had a more positive experience. The way that it is smoking to me, I'm not sure where it would fall into my rotation. It isn't bold enough for a nighttime smoke and it's too mild to stand up against a cup of coffee. " -Alan (Eulogy)
First Third
Second Third
Final Third
Overall Experience