Sinistro Announces 10 Year Anniversary Cigar - Cigar News

Sinistro Announces Coast to Coast 10 Year Anniversary Cigar – Cigar News

is releasing a cigar to commemorate it’s 10th year in business. The 10 Year Anniversary uses a Dominican Broadleaf wrapper, which the company says is a first in the cigar industry. The rest of the blend uses a Dominican Criollo ’98 binder, and flilers include , Pennsylvania, Piloto Cubano, Criollo ’98. The cigar is described as full-bodied and Medium/Full Strength.

10 Year Anniversary is rolled at Tabacalera El , and blended by ‘s . There will be 2 vitolas in this release, Robusto 5×52 150 boxes (MSRP $132.00), and 6×54 150 boxes (MSRP $142.00). Both come in boxes of 10. A press release left it open as to whether these would return as a regular production cigar in the future. The cigar will begin shipping to retailers this week during TPE 2023.

“The Rodriguez family has been working on this leaf for the last 6 years to perfect the wrapper quality. We’ve tried to use it a few other times before, but had issues due to not having enough perfect wrapper. We’ve waited 3 years ourselves with this blend in our back pocket just waiting for the right amount of good leaf quality. We want to make this item a regular production cigar but we can only go at the pace of what good wrapper we are able to grow.

The pure grade on this is like no other, most pure grades are singular with the same flavor notes constantly shining through on your palate. When James and I tried the pure grade of Dominican Broadleaf, there was no singular flavor profile, its as though you can smoke just this wrapper alone and it would make a fantastic cigar.