Cigar Info Foundation Cigars debuted a new core line of cigars, Olmec, at the 2022 PCA trade show. Foundation Olmec...
"From the mouth-watering dinner rolls to the unique ending, this cigar was all over the place. It kept me engaged the entire time, waiting to see what came next. Add in the fact that it wasn't overly light or heavy-bodied, it hit just right for me. I was pleasantly surprised with the entire experience and it is one that I could see myself picking up a fiver to have again." -Doug S. (Unpossible_1)
"It is not easy to make a great figurado, at least one that pleases me. This cigar definitely was a hit for me. The construction and draw were spot on. The profile was complex and a great compilation of notes that I relish. You can't go wrong with the sweetness of chocolate-covered cherries and the spice of red pepper. Add in root beer and you've got a fan in me. " -Doug S. (Unpossible_1)
"There comes a time when a cigar really sings for you. Like that catchy song that has a chorus that just resonates in your head and you find yourself tapping your feet to the rhythm. The cigar isn't a complex orchestration, but more like that fun song. Yielding a pleasing combination of wasabi and salted nuts, it left me wanting more. I will most definitely be looking forward to the reveal, so I can get my hands on more and hit repeat." -Doug S. (Unpossible_1)
"This was a good cigar. There were several flavor elements, and the retro kept changing on me starting with peanut butter and ending with floral. There was black pepper, sweet caramel as well as nuttiness flavors throughout. This is a perfect morning cigar that I would like to pair with coffee. I would definitely pick up a fiver. Check em' out." -Mickey T. (irratebass)
"This was a cigar of interesting finishes. From the onset, the primary flavor was espresso, and remained so throughout. What changed was the nature of the finishing flavors and the accompanying strength. Initially creamy, the finish transitioned to peat and finally to salted caramel. I thoroughly enjoyed the transitions and I think most smokers would as well. I would gladly smoke this again!" -Jason H. (Jokey Smurf)
"I really couldn’t be happier with this cigar in regard to performance and the flavor profile. It was never overpowering but had the fuller flavor profile that I prefer. I paired this with a barrel-aged stout (2022 Black Tuesday) and it was a perfect match. I would gladly recommend it to any of my cigar-smoking friends, and I will absolutely seek out more when I find out what this is! Very good cigar!" -Jason H. (Jokey Smurf)
"Overall, this cigar was a solid performer. A wonderful medium-bodied profile of mainly leather, tobacco, cedar, and earthy black pepper paired with a slightly loose draw made for an awesome smoking experience. Towards the end, things got a bit bitter and syrupy, a sign that you must smoke this cigar at a slower pace. I wouldn't hesitate to smoke this one again." -John A. (Bostoneo)
"This was a cigar that offered up some good notes of salted nuts, warm baking spices, and the tartness of plums. It also hit a high note of pepper towards the end that hit with just the right amount of pop. While the notes were strong enough and moderately complex, the construction issues really took away from the experience. With all of this being said, I could see checking these out with a couple singles and see if it hits within your wheelhouse." -Doug S. (Unpossible_1)
"Overall, this was a solid smoking cigar with a good medium bodied and strength-based profile. Constructions, draw, and burn performed fairly well as this smoke required a little more babysitting on the burn then most cigars do. Wonderful creamy notes took mainstage alongside leather, pepper, and nutty notes played smaller parts. This cigar is an easy recommendation or something that won’t blow your head off with big flavors, but not light enough to potentially bore you. In short, a perfectly balanced cigar to keep you interested in the nuances it provided. Two thumbs up!" -John A. (Bostoneo)