"I enjoyed the experience, I usually look for more complexity and some transitions, but it was a good experience worth a fiver." -Ryan H. (Ryan H.)
"I know this particular vitola is suppose to be more of a cigar snob size but I love them when they're done well. This one is fantastic. The burn, smoke output, and journey of flavors set this apart from most lanceros that I have smoked. I can't recommend these enough. Go out and buy some. " -Alan (Eulogy)
"There are times that you have a cigar and don't want it to end. This is one such time. An incredible cigar that gave me intense spice behind a creamy espresso profile. I love the size, the profile, and will definitely be looking to pick more of these up for my personal collection." -Doug S. (Unpossible_1)
Alejandro Martinez CuencaAllBlind Cigar ReviewsFeaturedIPCPRJoya De NicaraguaJuan MartinezNaturalNicaraguaToro
·"This was a very good cigar with excellent burn and flavor transitions. I would definitely smoke this one again. At first, I thought this was going to be a quick smoke, however, it continued to burn well beyond what I expected. Pair with coffee, English Brown or Lightly pleated Scotch. " -James H. (Keikan Jim)
"Other then the occasional cardboard taste that would pop in it was a great smoke. An interesting profile that had several profile changes kept me engaged till the end. I would smoke it again and hope that the paper flavor wasn't present." -Alan (Eulogy)
"This is a big cigar that's not big on flavors or complexity. With a ring gauge this large, if I'm going to spend over an hour and a half smoking a cigar I would ideally like to experience more flavors and transitions." -Allison T. (The Yoga Ash)
"There is only one word to describe this cigar, phenomenal. Flavors were on point, construction was nearly flawless and it made the time spent smoking it memorable. I would recommend this cigar to anyone that loves a deep, dark, flavorful cigar. Hands down, this cigar is a Box buy and I can't wait to find out what it is so I could do just THAT!" -Estevan Z. (TheRealBanzi)
"Though this cigar lacked body, in my opinion, I can not overstate how good this cigar was. I could see some people calling it one dimensional but in all honesty this cigar was a flavor bomb. Forgoing strength and body for the benefit of making a more flavorful blend. This cigar is perfect for anyone looking to expand their palate away from the light body, airy, cigars of the world. Pick one up and decided for yourself." -Estevan Z. (TheRealBanzi)
"Despite my reporting that the flavors were one dimensional, I am not beating up on the cigar. There is nothing wrong with a cigar being one dimensional. Sometimes you just want to smoke and not have to think about it. They are made for relaxation anyway right? I would definitely smoke this cigar again to compare notes." -Mickey T. (irratebass)
"Any experienced cigar smokers should be on the lookout for this cigar. For me, this was a fine specimen in appearance, and was a supreme way to spend 90 minutes of my busy life. I could gladly make this a regular part of my smoking rotation." -Jason H. (Jokey Smurf)