"Overall, this was a wonderful straight-forward cigar with a medium to medium plus body, providing wonderful notes of almonds, leather, sweetness, and some pepper here and there. A few touchups were required to the wrapper, however, overall construction and burn were on par with a premium cigar. Clocking in with a smoke time of 90 minutes, you’ll need ample time to sit down & sip on this smoke. I’d recommend trying this one out, it may become your new favorite!" -John A. (Bostoneo)
La Flor Dominicana has announced that they will be showing off a new cigar, Solis, for PCA 2022. This project is the brainchild of Litto Gomez Jr., son of Litto Gomez and little brother to Tony Gomez, both public figures in the company. Solis comes from the Latin word “sol” meaning sun. Litto Jr. come up with and worked on this project slowly over the last few years during his breaks from college where he spent time with his father and brother at the LFD factory in Tamboril.