In a nod to a legacy that spans 250 years, United Cigars proudly introduces the Commodore size as the newest extension to the Red Anchor lineup, crafted at the renowned Kelner Boutique Factory (KBF) in the Dominican Republic. A fusion of history and commitment to excellence, Red Anchor, in collaboration with the Kelner family, brings forth an enticing addition to its lineup.
Measuring an impressive 7 x 55, the Commodore is blended to honor the enduring heritage of Red Anchor cigars. With a medium-plus bodied experience, Red Anchor is presented in sleek boxes of 25.
Handcrafted with precision and passion at the artisanal KBF, Red Anchor showcases a Habano 2000 Ecuador wrapper, embodying the essence of the Kelner family’s mastery of tobacco. Each blend thoughtfully curated with Dominican and USA tobaccos ensures an unparalleled smoking experience, marked by the medium-bodied profile’s smoothness, complexity, and depth.
Crafting a blend with tobaccos from the Kelner family was an educational experience. These cigars pay homage to a long-standing tradition, a tribute to heritage and excellence. We hope that cigar enthusiasts worldwide will savor the richness and elegance that defined cigars half a century ago.
Oliver Nivaud, Director of Operations for United Cigars
The Red Anchor line stands as a testament to KBF’s unwavering pursuit of excellence. The Commodore, building upon this legacy, invites aficionados on an unforgettable journey of taste and sensation. Priced at $750 per box or $30 per cigar, the Commodore sets sail as a beacon of Red Anchor‘s commitment to delivering an unparalleled cigar experience.