Exclusive First Look—Davidoff Nicaragua

Exclusive First Look—Davidoff Nicaragua

original article from CigarAficionado.com
Posted: June 11, 2013

has given Cigar Aficionado a sneak peek of the packaging for the upcoming series. The brand won’t debut until June 20th at the global launch party in New York City, and up to this point, has been very secretive about any details concerning packaging or presentation.
The Robusto tubos shown here are the first images made public.
The brand, whose information was first revealed here and in the April 9 Cigar Insider, is made solely from Nicaraguan tobacco (a first) and is rolled in the . chose a black motif to reflect ‘s identity and unique position in the company’s profile.
Note the three triangles, which represent the mountains and volcanoes of . According to head of marketing Richard Krutick, the triangles also symbolize a three-part theme: “explore, adventure and discover.”