Fratello Cigars is adding a new cigar to its affordable bundle “Camo” line, Camo Sweet. The Came line has been around since 2020 and we rated the Camo Verde an impressive 89 for a $3 cigar in our blind test.
When your customers speak you listen. We moved from a 15-count bundle to a 25 count bundle because of our customers feedback. With the addition of the Camo Sweet we expand our offering to our customers while continue to deliver on a great quality product.
Omar de Frias
Fratello will ship Camo Sweet August 15th 2021. The cigars are rolled by La Aurora S.A. in Santiago, Dominican Republic. Like the rest of the Camo lines, it comes in two sizes, a 5 x 50 Robusto and a 6 x 50 Toro. Blend details have not been released, but the cigar has a sweet tip.