Foundation Announces Charter Oak Pegnataro And Pasquale - Cigar News

Foundation Announces Charter Oak Pegnataro And Pasquale – Cigar News

Cigar Company has announced two new cigar blends, “-CT Shade and Pasquale-CT Broadleaf.” These new cigars are a tribute to the lasting influence and cherished memories of ‘s grandfathers, whose passion for tobacco inspired his own.

The company offers this description: The “ and Pasquale” cigars embody the commitment to excellence and artistry that define Cigar Company. Crafted by , Founder and Master Blender, these cigars pay homage to the unwavering spirit and timeless wisdom passed down by his grandfathers. They also serve to pay tribute the opening of ‘s new office on a 300-acre farm in the heart of the River Valley tobacco growing region.

My love for handmade cigars exists only because of my grandfather’s. One was an avid CT Broadleaf smoker and the other loved CT shade. These blends are completely different than the core line of . They are richer and more complex.

CT Broadleaf Pasquale is a cigar that revolves around the Broadleaf seed, using a wrapper. It is described as a full-bodied blend.

In contrast, CT Shade Pegnataro uses a golden-brown Shade wrapper, while has a milder profile, it is described as a medium-bodied cigar.

The core line would have been their everyday cigar and these new blends would be for the weekend or a special occasion.” shared . “These blends are deeply personal to me, as they honor the legacies of my grandfathers. The CT Broadleaf and CT Shade wrappers represent their distinct personalities, allowing me to celebrate their individuality through exceptional cigars that bear their names.

The “ and Pasquale” cigars will be available at select retailers nationwide starting in early Fall 2023 and will be sold at the industry trade show in Las Vegas come July 2023. Each cigar has an MSRP of $13.00 or $156 for a box of 12. This is a limited quarterly release of 500 boxes per blend.