United Cigars Celebrates with La Gianna Havana 30th Anniversary Edition

United Cigars Celebrates with La Gianna Havana 30th Anniversary Edition – Cigar News

is marking a significant milestone with the release of the Havana 30th Anniversary edition. This special edition cigar honors the 30th anniversary of the Havana brand, which was first introduced in 1994 to celebrate the birth of ‘s daughter. Crafted at the in Honduras, this limited edition is a tribute to ‘ commitment over the past three decades.

The anniversary offering from is encased in an eye-catching gold box, housing 20 cigars each of a 6” x 54 vitola. This release is a symbolic fusion of the Natural and lines, showcasing ‘ dedication to creating memorable smoking experiences. The cigars boast a barber pole wrapper design, featuring Ecuador and Mexican San Andres leaves, a Honduras Criollo binder, and fillers from Honduras, the , and the USA.

“Thirty years of excellence, thirty years of passion, and thirty years of indulgence. That’s what the Havana line represents.” He highlights the 30th Anniversary Edition as an embodiment of ‘ dedication, passion, and the passage of time.


Set to make its debut at the 2024 Show in Las Vegas, NV, the Havana 30th Anniversary will be available for shipment to retailers during the show. With an MSRP of $12 per cigar, invites fans to celebrate this landmark anniversary with a cigar that reflects three decades of exceptional cigar craftsmanship.