Diesel | Unholy Cocktail
Blind Cigar Review: Diesel | Unholy Cocktail

Diesel | Unholy Cocktail

Vital Stats:

Blind Cigar Review: Diesel | Unholy Cocktail
Blind Cigar Review: Diesel | Unholy Cocktail

This cigar was reviewed blind (no bands) by a panel of at least 4 reviewers. They did not know what they were smoking beforehand. The scores are an average of all the reviewers' scores with outliers removed. All of our cigars reviewed are shipped to the panelists with Boveda packs to ensure optimal smoking experience.

Length: 5″
Ring Gauge: 56
Country of Origin:
Wrapper: Pennsylvania
Number of reviewers: 5 —–  (StogieNinja) (mjohnsoniii) (bigslowrock) (shuckins) (NavyPiper)
Price: $3.00
Release Date: 2009
Contributed by: Sandeep

Initial Impressions

Appearance: 90

“A decent looking . Its not the cleanest application of a cap that I’ve seen. There are also some spots of excess cigar glue on the wrapper.” – (bigslowrock)

Aroma: 91

“Barnyard, dark soil and a molasses-y sweetness.” – (StogieNinja)

Construction: 91

“Love the shape! Well rolled, firm, tightly packed.” – (shuckins)

First Third

Blind Cigar Review: Diesel | Unholy Cocktail
Blind Cigar Review: Diesel | Unholy Cocktail

Flavor: 88
Strength: Medium-Strong
Body/Complexity: Medium

“From the very first puff, it’s coffee beans and a slight nuttiness, with the wrapper giving off a semisweet chocolate and a flavor hard to describe but that leaves me with a chalky mouthfeel. There’s a little leather, a little dry wood and a little spice. At about an inch in, it has a molassasy sweetness to it that I don’t particularly care for. At this point, I’d put money on this being an blend.” – (StogieNinja)

“It’s started out surprisingly strong with billowing smoke right off the bat. The ash is light gray and held on throughout the entire first third. I got black pepper immediately after initial light and eventually tapered off into a milder form. Almost like white peppercorns. The retrohale boasts cream combined with a vague molasses-type sweetness. Interesting flavors and also enjoyable.” – (mjohnsoniii)

Second Third

Blind Cigar Review: Diesel | Unholy Cocktail
Blind Cigar Review: Diesel | Unholy Cocktail

Flavor: 89
Strength: Medium-Strong
Body/Complexity: Medium

“The ash fell midway through the second third. The flavors are more mild at this point with a cherry-like sweetness combined with nuts and cloves. I’m not really sure if I like this combination of flavors or not but they are very distinctive.” – (mjohnsoniii)

“A taste of coffee has joined the leather, chasing away a little of the dryness, although the tobacco still has a bit of woodiness to it along with a touch of light pepper that was pleasing to the palate, but burned a bit when retrohaled.” – (shuckins)

Final Third

Blind Cigar Review: Diesel | Unholy Cocktail
Blind Cigar Review: Diesel | Unholy Cocktail

Flavor: 88
Strength: Medium-Strong
Body/Complexity: Medium

“More coffee came through towards the end as the leather faded and the pepper kicked it up a notch. The tobacco kept it’s woodsy flavor but lost most of the dryness, changing gears as it got to the nub.” – (shuckins)

“Still leather and wood for flavor. This has been a very consistent stick, with no surprises. Towards the end, it started to get a little bitterness.” – (NavyPiper)

Overall Impressions

Blind Cigar Review: Diesel | Unholy Cocktail
Blind Cigar Review: Diesel | Unholy Cocktail

Draw: 91

“Tight at first, but opened up nicely after a few puffs.” – (shuckins)

Burn: 93

“Burn was pretty even all the way through, no problems at all with it.” – (NavyPiper)

Overall Strength: Medium-Strong
Overall Body/Complexity: Medium
Overall Experience: 90

“This was a tough one for me to rate. When I started smoking cigars, maduros were my go-to. I loved the creamy chocolate and peppery kick. I still enjoy those things, but my palate has become more refined and cheap wrappers just don’t cut it for me anymore. That’s what we have here – a cheap . It has everything you’d expect from one, including deep flavors of chocolate and earthy soil. But it also has that slightly chalky mouthfeel and molassasy sweetness from the wrapper that is common on cheap maduros, and that I’ve personally grown to dislike. I absolutely recommend this as a better alternative to the 5 Vegas Gold , or the Rocky Patel Edge . It takes the best qualities of those, and improves upon them. A must try for all fans of ‘s work.” – (StogieNinja)

“High hopes was an understatement prior to lighting this one. I expected a lot more especially seeing that I’m an avid fan. It had multiple flavors that I enjoyed during the first and second thirds that mellowed out much too quickly leaving a final third that was…meh. I never judge a cigar on the first one I try, whether good or bad, so I’d definitely smoke another but I wouldn’t make it my life’s work to find another.” – (mjohnsoniii)

“Just not a good cigar. Harshness pretty much dominated the smoke.” – (bigslowrock)

“A good middle of the road cigar, but fun enough that I would smoke another.” – (shuckins)

“I liked this cigar. It was very consistent in flavor, burn, and draw throughout. It was very enjoyable, and wish it was actually a little longer!” – (NavyPiper)

Smoking Time (in minutes): 71

Reviewer Appea-
Aroma Constr. 1/3 2/3 3/3 Draw Burn Overall
89 90 89 89 90 88 92 88 89
94 93 93 89 89 86 91 94 89
90 93 89 87 80 80 90 92 81
90 89 93 88 88 89 90 95 88
90 90 90 88 88 90 90 92 92
Overall 90 91 91 88 89 88 91 93 90

To view the complete scores and notes, click here.

Blind Cigar Review: Diesel | Unholy Cocktail
Blind Cigar Review: Diesel | Unholy Cocktail
First Third
Second Third
Final Third
Overall Experience
Total Score - Very Good