Cigar Info
The Nub Cameroon from Oliva combines the coveted African Cameroon with Nicaraguan binder and filler to create a combination of sweetness, strength, and structure. Nub cigars started as a theory. Born in the Oliva factory, Sam Leccia was determined to show capture the essence – the core – of a cigar’s flavor immediately upon lighting and throughout the duration of the smoke. Rather than wait for a cigar to develop and evolve, which typically occurs an inch to two inches in, the idea behind Oliva‘s Nub was to specifically blend it to hit its sweet spot right off the bat and remain at its peak right through to the end. Each size is short and stout in stature. That’s by design – not for novelty – as blends and sizes were worked and re-worked a thousand ways from Sunday in order for Nub creator Sam Leccia and the Oliva family to capture the essence of each Nub cigar blend. Anyone can create unusual shapes, each of the Nub blends and accompanying shapes was instead created to show and deliver the blend’s sweet spot.
This cigar was reviewed blind (no bands) by a panel of at least 4 reviewers. They did not know what they were smoking beforehand. The scores are an average of all the reviewers' scores with outliers removed. All of our cigars reviewed are shipped to the panelists with Boveda packs to ensure optimal smoking experience.
Vital Stats:
Vitola: Belicoso
Length: 4″
Ring Gauge: 64
Country of Origin: Nicaragua
Wrapper: African Cameroon
Binder: Nicaragua
Filler: Nicaragua
Blender: Undisclosed
Number of reviewers: 5—–Ron (shuckins) Sandeep (Djangos) Robert (NavyPiper) Wes (SosaCub4Life) Jack (Jack_H)
Price: $6.35
Age: 6 Months
Release Date: July 2007
Contributed by:
Initial Impressions
Appearance: 92
“Kinda looks like a bullet or a bomb, and I’m OK with that. A very eye catching, dark chocolate brown wrapper screams smoke me.” –Ron (shuckins)
Aroma: 90
“The cigar has a strong wet grass like flavor right off the bat. However, surprisingly on the dry puff, the major flavor was one of cocoa and cedar. There is also a slight white pepper to the tongue that lingers. Good start.” –Sandeep (Djangos)
First Third
Flavor: 90
Strength: Medium
Body/Complexity: Medium-Full
“Starts off with a pop of pepper that has a touch of heat with it for a few puffs. A coffee, light leather and dry cedar tasting tobacco jumps in during the first third to chase the heat away and take the cigar in a different direction.” –Ron (shuckins)
“The draw is pretty tight to start out. There is some really good spice on the retrohale and on the back of the throat. There is some thick creaminess to the smoke that coats the mouth and lets the flavors linger. It’s almost hard to tell when the first third is done with the cigar being so short.. seems I’m about there already.” –Wes (SosaCub4Life)
Second Third
Flavor: 88
Strength: Medium-Strong
Body/Complexity: Medium
“In the second third, flavors remain the same for a short time, then began getting a nice bold cedar flavor while the leather faded out. Nice heat and zing on the palate and through the sinuses which lasts between puffs. Burn is fairly straight, draw still very good and ash is still holding on!” –Robert (NavyPiper)
“The second third gets a more charred, sweet flavor but there is still some of that oaky smoke pouring out of the excellent draw that this cigar is producing. Though short in size, there is a solid change in flavor from the beginning to the second third, though most of it is in strength.” –Jack (Jack_H)
Final Third
Flavor: 89
Strength: Medium-Strong
Body/Complexity: Medium
“The final third starts with the same flavors of leather and hay with pepper. Towards the end, the pepper and the strength ramp up quite rapidly. In the last half inch or so, there is a strong nutmeg like flavor as well. Overall, the complexity and the flavor transitions are quite good and enjoyable. The ash holds until the very end. No issues with the burn or the draw to the very end. Very enjoyable cigar.” –Sandeep (Djangos)
“The final third smooths out and there is an oaky flavor still which is the trademark flavor of this cigar for me, but also I get a slight dark chocolate flavor as well. The ash, burn and draw have been rock solid which had really showcased the flavor in this short, slow burning cigar.” –Jack (Jack_H)
Overall Impressions
Draw: 92
“Draw was very good with just the right amount of resistance.” –Robert (NavyPiper)
Burn: 91
“The burn got way off towards the end of the first and start of the second thirds, but did correct itself on its own.” –Wes (SosaCub4Life)
Construction: 94
“The construction was really good throughout the cigar and was demonstrated by the draw, burn and appearance.” –Jack (Jack_H)
Overall Strength: Medium-Strong
Overall Body/Complexity: Medium-Full
Overall Experience: 88
“Steady, durable flavors the entire time, which made for a solid smoking cigar, but not one to brag about because there wasn’t a star in the mix.” –Ron (shuckins)
“Overall, a very enjoyable cigar with flavors changing from hay to leather and cedar and back. The pepper is present in every puff and lends a great complexity. Will definitely try again.” –Sandeep (Djangos)
“I had never had the opportunity to smoke a cigar like this so was excited to finally get to. Flavors were good, had some change ups, and I was amazed that the ash never came off. Ya, I know it was only 4”, but I smoked it to the nub, and was still there when I let it go into the ash tray.” –Robert (NavyPiper)
“Overall, this stick just isn’t for me. It started out pretty good with some nice spice, but then quickly turned into a very mild, almost flavorless cigar. It’s very large ring gauge is not something I typically smoke, but I gave it a try. It’s sure an interesting looking very short and stubby torpedo, but other than that there wasn’t much going for it. If you like mild, large ring gauge cigars, this would be for you. Maybe a beginner?” –Wes (SosaCub4Life)
“This cigar was an excellent case study in don’t judge a book by its cover for me. This is usually the type of cigar I would pass up, but it surprised me in the end. The construction, burn and draw were great for such a stout cigar and the flavor was right on par with the strong look that this cigar possesses.” –Jack (Jack_H)
Smoking Time (in minutes): 55
Ron | shuckins) | 95 | 88 | 88 | 88 | 88 | 88 | 85 | 97 | 88 |
Sandeep | Djangos) | 95 | 90 | 90 | 92 | 92 | 97 | 97 | 95 | 92 |
Robert | NavyPiper) | 88 | 88 | 88 | 88 | 88 | 90 | 88 | 90 | 88 |
Wes | SosaCub4Life) | 95 | 92 | 92 | 88 | 85 | 92 | 92 | 93 | 88 |
Jack | Jack_H) | 88 | 90 | 90 | 90 | 90 | 92 | 92 | 93 | 90 |
To view the complete scores and notes, click here.