Blind Cigar Review: Perdomo | Estate Selección Vintage Maduro Imperio

Blind Cigar Review: Perdomo | Estate Selección Vintage Maduro Imperio

Blind Cigar Review: Perdomo | Estate Selección Vintage Maduro ImperioCigar Info

Perdomo Cigars released an updated version of the Perdomo () line at the 2019 trade show. Perdomo does not release a whole lot of new cigars, some years none at all, so it was nice to see something new from the company at the trade show. The line has been around since 2005 with a newer version also coming out in 2016 and this new version being limited production. The line was originally designed as a tribute to the late Sr., who passed away the year prior. This time around the is box-pressed. As with most Perdomo blends, it comes in three wrappers: Ecuadorian , Sun-Grown, and . This latest version has the includion of a secondary band that just says .

This cigar was reviewed blind (no bands) by a panel of at least 4 reviewers. They did not know what they were smoking beforehand. The scores are an average of all the reviewers' scores with outliers removed. All of our cigars reviewed are shipped to the panelists with Boveda packs to ensure optimal smoking experience.

The () line comes in around the top of Perdomo’s premium offerings. It says the tobaccos used in the Box-Pressed comes from the top 5% of the crop from Finca Natalie, a tobacco field named after ‘s daughter and owned by the company. They are also the first crop form that farm. The line is available at 133 retailers. It comes in five vitolas: Regente (5 x 54) – $12, (6 x 54) – $12.50, Prestigio (6 1/2 x 54) – $13, Phantom (6 1/2 x 60) – $14, Aristocrata (7 x 54) – $13.50.

Blind Cigar Review: Perdomo | Estate Selección Vintage Maduro ImperioVital Stats:

Length: 6″
Ring Gauge: 54
Country of Origin:
Binder: (Cuban Seed)
Filler: (Cuban Seed)
Number of reviewers: 4 (Eulogy) () (Bostoneo) (irratebass)
Price: $12.50
Age: 3 Months
Release Date: July 2019
Contributed by: Blind Man’s Puff

Blind Cigar Review: Perdomo | Estate Selección Vintage Maduro ImperioInitial Impressions

Appearance: 90

“The color is just barely a few shades lighter than black, a few delicate veins run the length of the wrapper, and it has a dry leathery feel to the touch. It’s hard to see the seams due to just how dark the wrapper is and even the large double cap is invisible unless it’s directly in the sun. It does look very well made and the very soft box pressed shape gives it a little character. ” – (Eulogy)

Aroma: 87

“On the nose, intense nasal notes of pretzel like aromas and a slight baking spice finish give a satisfying snort. A cold draw reveals similar pretzel like notes as well as cinnamon and brown sugary flavors.” – (Bostoneo)

Blind Cigar Review: Perdomo | Estate Selección Vintage Maduro Imperio

First Third

Flavor: 88
Strength: Medium
Body/Complexity: Medium-Full

“A quick spritz of a triple flame torch gets this stick off in record speed. Fire cured tobacco, woodsy, pretzel and leather notes dominate the first inch of this cigar. While sitting, it gives off a bit of an astringent smoke aroma, wrinkling my already wrinkly nose even more. On the backend, this medium-full profile doesn’t back off one bit as it continues to punch me in the mouth with this profile through this third.” – (Bostoneo)

“On the cold draw I pick up a spicy cookie flavor with some wood. This is starting out to be an earthy cigar, but not so much strength so far. I get mostly wood and baking spices. ” – (irratebass)

Second Third

Flavor: 89
Strength: Medium
Body/Complexity: Medium-Full

Blind Cigar Review: Perdomo | Estate Selección Vintage Maduro Imperio

“The flavors have taken a bit of a weird turn now. I’m getting a lot of fresh cut pine, leather, red pepper, and bitter coffee. The smoke output is awesome but I’m finding it a little rough on my palate and the back of my throat. Maybe it’s the very strong red pepper that is getting to me. ” – (Eulogy)

“Sweetness tones down into the second third, which I much prefer to the start. Similar, smoother, flavor profiles include baking spices, wood and lighter pretzel notes. The open draw provides some lighter notes of wood, mint, and dark chocolate on the back half of this portion, very satisfying for me!” – (Bostoneo)

Final Third

Flavor: 88
Strength: Medium-Strong
Body/Complexity: Medium

“It’s a fairly uneven experience at the end. There’s moments when I’m getting dark chocolate, bitter coffee, leather, and a mild level of pepper but for the most part it’s sort of ashy and bland. ” – (Eulogy)

“Flavors begin to intensify again towards a full bodied smoking experience. Dark chocolate, mint, and wood notes continue to consistently profile a similar profile as experienced in the previous thirds. The finish is strong and doesn’t worsen at all, a proper

Blind Cigar Review: Perdomo | Estate Selección Vintage Maduro Imperio

ending to an okay cigar.” – (Bostoneo)

Overall Impressions

Draw: 87

“Good draw, it did have some resistance, but unfortunately it started to plug on me near the end, and I had to pitch it with about an inch and a 1/2 to go. ” – (irratebass)

Burn: 86

“Burn needed correct before exiting the first third and at the beginning of the last third” – ()

Construction: 89

“Solid construction. The ash did tend to get a bit flaky, but no real issues….there was LOTS of smoke output through me and just the cigar itself while it rested. Reminded me of Drew Estates patented smokey cigars. ” – (irratebass)

Overall Strength: Medium
Overall Body/Complexity: Medium-Full
Experience Overall: 88

“The first third was great and I was hoping that it would continue but it fell off at the middle and went off the rails at the end in terms of flavor. The look and feel of the cigar make me think it’s very well made and even with ashy flavor at the end it still had great smoke production and produced a nice creamy smoke. It’s easier for me to forgive something that burns a little wonky or has a tight draw but the flavor has to be there. ” – (Eulogy)

“Enjoyable profile with a couple issues buy a fiver.” – ()

“So lets state a few things I experienced with this stick. I experience a med to full flavor profile of dark chocolate, baking spices, a bit of sugary sweetness in the beginning and plenty of woodsy notes throughout the entire cigar. I also noticed quite a bit of soft spots in the cigar as well, so construction was so-so. The draw was wide open, so smoke slowly as to not kill the flavors while over puffing. This seemed like a General cigar company stick as it has had similar nose notes of their non Cuban Partagas series. Was it good? It was alright, not horrible, not great, just so-so. Was it satisfying? Sure, it itched a spot for the profile is was experiencing. Would I personally stock up on this? Probably not, but iam sure there are people that would. Any who, go try it and see if you like this medium full bodied smoke!” – (Bostoneo)

“Overall this cigar was ok. There was some sweetness, baking spices, wood and even some marshmallow, but that was it. Those were your flavors for 2 hours… transitions at all. Quite one sided really. Despite that I would smoke it again if I was hanging out with some friends and not wanting to concentrate on the cigar, or even doing some yard work or tinkering in the garage. That’s how I feel about this cigar. I did enjoy it, but to smoke and review no thanks. ” – (irratebass)

Smoking Time (in minutes): 95

92 95 92 90 85 92 92 92 90
92 85 90 90 90 87 85 88 87
88 87 88 88 87 85 85 78 85
88 87 88 88 87 87 87 88 87

To view the complete scores and notes, click here.


Overall Score – 88 – Good

Blind Cigar Review: Perdomo | Estate Selección Vintage Maduro Imperio
"The first third was great and I was hoping that it would continue but it fell off at the middle and went off the rails at the end in terms of flavor. The look and feel of the cigar make me think it's very well made and even with ashy flavor at the end it still had great smoke production and produced a nice creamy smoke. It's easier for me to forgive something that burns a little wonky or has a tight draw but the flavor has to be there. " -Alan (Eulogy)
First Third
Second Third
Final Third
Overall Experience
Overall Score - Good