Royal Agio Cigars USA has announced that their latest collaboration with La Flor Dominicana, Balmoral Serie Signaturas Paso Doble, is shipping. Last year Balmoral teamed up with E.P. Carrillo for the Balmoral Serie Signaturas DUETO, the first cigar of the Serie Signaturas. The company has said there will be more collaborations like this in the future, but did not say when or how many.
AllBlind Cigar ReviewsConnecticut BroadleafFeaturedHondurasLitto GomezPetite LanceroRamon BuesoRamon BuesoRobusto
·"First I really enjoyed this cigar. It’s aesthetic value, even before cutting, had me excited to get started. Toothy flavor bumps did not disappoint. I really am having difficulty finding any misgivings about this smoke. Draw, finish, flavors, transitions, construction, burn, etc ....all impeccable!" -Randy B. (randobush)
La Flor Dominicana has announced that they will be showing off a new cigar, Solis, for PCA 2022. This project is the brainchild of Litto Gomez Jr., son of Litto Gomez and little brother to Tony Gomez, both public figures in the company. Solis comes from the Latin word “sol” meaning sun. Litto Jr. come up with and worked on this project slowly over the last few years during his breaks from college where he spent time with his father and brother at the LFD factory in Tamboril.
AlanAllBlind Cigar ReviewsDominican RepublicFeaturedJames H.John I.Kevin J.La Flor DominicanaLitto Gomez
·"I enjoyed this quite a lot. Nice change from my usual flavor preferences as well as being out of my comfort zone in terms of vitola. Served as a nice reminder to get out of your comfort zone once in a while. There's a great big world of cigar opportunities out there and it's nice to step out of your normal routine from time to time. This cigar stayed pretty much in the medium realm throughout in terms of strength and complexity. The display of really nicely refined baked good flavor, floral qualities, finishing with rich dark woody notes offered a nice range of experiences. Aside from some mid-smoke missteps in construction this was a real joy of a cigar. " -John I. (John I.)
La Flor Dominicana has announced a new cigar, the Golden Bull, but it will not be sold in a way that has been done before. The company will sell an NFT for the cigar. Owners of that NFT will then have access to purchase the cigar. With only 7 NFT's being sold, the availability of the cigar will be very limited. An NFT is a Non-Fungible Token, meaning a digital representation of a real-world object that cannot be copied or stolen. They run on the same technology, Blockchain, as cryptocurrencies.
"This was a very enjoyable cigar from start to finish. There was a decent amount of complexity. The transitions flowed seamlessly, and the flavors were solid. I don’t always go for oak (or any wood) heavy cigars, but the balancing flavors did their job well. This is one I could easily rotate in on occasion. You definitely need a good chunk of time to enjoy this one." -Chris M. (Chris)
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