Luciano Cigars introduces the "Underrated" cigar line in collaboration with NBA icon Ron Harper, aiming to offer a quality smoking experience without relying on fame.
C.L.E. Cigar Company introduces Asylum 12 2024 at the PCA, featuring unique tobacco from their South American farm and revamped packaging, available in May or June.
"I wanted to really give high praise for this cigar. When doing a blind review and coming across something so familiar, it almost gets your hopes up too much. The anticipation and buildup can end up having the opposite effect of one you'd expect. Fortunately, this wasn't completely the case for me. Sure, there were some issues related to construction, but I do feel like it was able to overcome them and give me an experience I would not mind repeating. With flavors like salt, sweet tobacco and marzipan blending together in harmony, this worked out well for me." -Doug S. (Unpossible_1)
The Premium Cigar Industry had a huge victory in the area of cigar regulation. In perhaps the biggest news since the deeming regulations were announced in 2016, those rules have now been completely vacated by the FDA. The ruling means that the deeming regulations introduced by the agency in 2016 do not apply to any cigar that meets the court’s definition of “premium cigar,” meaning that those cigars are unregulated in the U.S.
Artista Cigars rolls out two line extensions and a new value cigar, Art-56, enriching their portfolio and offering distinct experiences for aficionados.
Black Label Trading Co. announces 'Orthodox,' a bold Nicaraguan cigar, debuting at PCA Las Vegas. Handcrafted in Esteli, with robust flavor and intricate complexity.
Gurkha Cigar Group reveals its 2024 PCA Convention lineup, including the 35th Anniversary series, Colección Especial Nicaragua, Tyson 2.0 Undisputed, and Year of the Dragon collaborations, expanding its premium offerings.
"If the draw was better I would be signing it praises. With this sample I found the profile to be excellent but the draw and size are a problem. It is a weird feeling to be almost an hour and a half into a cigar and only reach the halfway point. The flavors were good and there were enough profile transitions to keep me engaged though. I would smoke this again but I would have to block out a substantial amount of time to do so." -Alan (Eulogy)
The Eiroa CBT 51 made its debut at Christian Eiroa's birthday event which took place during the 2023 PCA trade show. Now that cigar will be released to the public in limited form.