Cigar News: Boutiques Unified Rebrands to Oveja Negra Brands

Cigar News: Boutiques Unified Rebrands to Oveja Negra Brands

Cigar News: Boutiques Unified Rebrands to Oveja Negra Brands will now be known as . The company now contains the following brands: , Black Works Studio, , and . Each of the brands has its own identity but shares talent and resources to increase efficiency.

All of the lines are now made at James Brown’s Fabrica Oveja Negra in Esteli, which was not the case in the past. Distribution is still being handled by Distribution is handled by L.J.Zucca. They also share sales reps. also has a new website:

has previously been known as , Boutiques United, and House of Emilio. It has previously contained the brands, Nomad,  Ezra Zion, and 1502 Cigars.