Cigar News: Drew Estate Launches JR Cigars Exclusive NightShade

Cigar News: Drew Estate Launches JR Cigars Exclusive NightShade

Cigar News: Drew Estate Launches JR Cigars Exclusive NightShade is launching a new cigar exclusive to JR Cigars: . is rolled in at the , and the blend uses a Habano wrapper, Indonesian binder, and filler from and .

Cigar News: Drew Estate Launches JR Cigars Exclusive NightShade The name comes from the plant family Solanaceae, commonly known as nightshades, which include the tobacco plant.

Cigar News: Drew Estate Launches JR Cigars Exclusive NightShade “This blend unites majestic tobaccos from , the and Indonesia, which we then painstakingly wrap under a Habano seed wrapper-leaf grown in the River Valley. This results in dark earthy espresso meeting the blackest of peppers in some kind of aged-goodness dance,” says . “No joke,” Drew added, “the is dope!”

Cigar News: Drew Estate Launches JR Cigars Exclusive NightShade comes in boxes of 20 and four vitolas: 5.75 X 46 Corona ($6.50 per cigar, $116.95 per box); 5 x 52 Robusto ($7.00 per cigar, $125.95 per box); 6.5 x 54 Extra ($7.70 per cigar, $138.60 per box); and 6 x 54 Torpedo ($8.00 per cigar, $143.95 per box). The Robusto and Extra sizes also comes in 10-packs and 5-packs. All are available only at