Cigar News: Famous Smoke Shop Gets Asylum Lobotomy Exclusive Cigar
Cigar News: Famous Smoke Shop Gets Asylum Lobotomy Exclusive Cigar

Cigar News: Famous Smoke Shop Gets Asylum Lobotomy Exclusive Cigar

Cigar News: Famous Smoke Shop Gets Asylum Lobotomy Exclusive Cigar
Cigar News: Gets Lobotomy Exclusive Cigar

“Famous Smoke Shop Announces the Release of the New Asylum Lobotomy Cigar”

Easton, PA — is a leading online distributor of discounted premium cigars. The company specializes in offering the web’s widest selection of cigars at the lowest prices. Famous has just released a new cigar line in collaboration with Cigar Company, under the leadership of founders and cigar experts and Christian Eiroa. Both founders have had much success in their many years within the cigar industry, and have teamed up to bring an unprecedented level of knowledge in both cultivating and blending tobaccos to their joint venture. The new release is the Lobotomy, and it is exclusively available at . The first shipment has just arrived at the company’s warehouse and is currently available for sale on their website. The company has expressed that the new brand will be available in limited quantities, but is not a one-time release and will be a consistent offering for the foreseeable future.

Cigar News: Famous Smoke Shop Gets Asylum Lobotomy Exclusive Cigar
Cigar News: Gets Lobotomy Exclusive Cigar

Lobotomy cigars follow suit with the national brand of cigars by being full flavored and more full bodied, yet offer an enticing blend of all Nicaraguan tobaccos for a flavor unlike anything else in the cigar industry. The core tobaccos are a mix of various Nicaraguan tobaccos from around the country, with a spicy/sweet Habano Maduro wrapper.

It is recommended that this cigar be enjoyed by medium and full bodied smokers alike, but mild bodied cigar smokers would certainly enjoy this offering as an introduction to stronger and more flavorful smokes.

John Spisak of gave his thoughts on the cigar after having sampled the Lobotomy , saying “Both and Christian Eiroa wanted to make a great cigar that offered filet mignon flavor at ground beef prices, and they hit the mark with the Lobotomy. I love Nicaraguan tobacco as it is, and this is the quintessential Nicaraguan cigar.

Cigar News: Famous Smoke Shop Gets Asylum Lobotomy Exclusive Cigar
Cigar News: Gets Lobotomy Exclusive Cigar

Spicy, sweet, rich, full flavored; all the qualities of a true Nicaraguan puro are there. But I just can’t get over how affordable it is. My humidor is getting close to empty, so I’m running down now to restock with these for sure.”

Lobotomy cigars are available in four sizes – a 7 x 70 Large Cigar, a 6 x 60 Double , a 6 x 50 , and a 4 x 44 Petite Corona. Each offer 10 cigars per box, with the Petite Corona offering 20 cigars in a bundle. With Famous’ full box discount pricing, customers can enjoy this new offering with individual retail prices which range from $4.30 to $6.70 per cigar. People interested in learning more about Lobotomy cigars or should visit or call 800-564-2486.

Cigar News: Famous Smoke Shop Gets Asylum Lobotomy Exclusive Cigar