General Cigar has announced a new line from Cohiba made entirely in the U.S.: Cohiba Serie M. Not only is the cigar made in the U.S., but it is exclusive for the U.S. For this project, General Cigar turned to the famed El Titán de Bronze Cigar Factory in Miami’s Little Havana district.
Cohiba Serie M goes on sale April 12th and only 5,00 boxes of the limited edition have been made.
Cohiba Serie M has been a passion project for all of us on the Cohiba team. To take a brand as iconic as Cohiba and make a cigar in the U.S. in collaboration with a boutique, family-owned factory has been an honor for all of us. Serie M gives a nod to our long-standing commitment to craftsmanship, our focus on innovation and alludes to the exciting releases that we are planning in the future.
Cohiba Brand Ambassador Sean Williams
I am honored that we were chosen to craft the first American-made Cohiba cigars. For this important collaboration, we created a cigar using only the most exquisite tobacco, working together with the Cohiba team at General Cigar. Unlike in other countries where cigar makers work in teams, our cigarmakers at El Titán de Bronze personally create each cigar from start to finish, and we put their name on every single box they make. Our team of rollers have achieved the highest skill level that a cigarmaker can achieve, with only a select few having the dexterity and artistry required to meet our stringent qualifications. Every cigar represents the very best of each of our rollers and is an opportunity for us to share their artistry with the entire country. The buzz for Cohiba Serie M is building in Miami and based on what I’m seeing, these cigars will sell out as soon as they hit the cigar shops.
Sandy Cobas, owner of El Titán de Bronze
The blend for Cohiba Serie M uses a Nicaraguan Corojo wrapper, Double Nicaraguan binder, and Nicaraguan Jalapa and Esteli and Dominican Piloto Cubano fillers. This is the first time Cohiba has used a Corojo wrapper. It also features a closed foot, and a fan cap. The company describes the smoke as medium-to-full bodied. It comes in one size, a 6 x 52 Toro that sells for $29.99. Cohiba Serie M will be sold in boxes of 10.