As the oldest and first premium cigar factory in Nicaragua, Joya de Nicaragua already has a phenomenal legacy. In 2018, they will bolster that legacy with the introduction of Cinco Décadas. This is a very special cigar made with an exclusive blend of tobaccos, and the 50 years of dedication and knowledge of the wonderful people at Joya de Nicaragua.
Joya de Nicaragua like to think of themselves as more than just a factory, but also as Nicaragua itself. For 50 years now, they have set the highest standards of the industry for quality, consistency, and innovation. Smoking a Joya de Nicaragua cigar is like smoking the soul of Nicaragua.
Cinco Decadas is not only about a celebration of being first, but also of being best, and even just being. It is meant as a a testament to the ultra premium quality that is the entire the Joya family. The Cinco Décadas uses only the absolute finest prime extra-vintage leaves, to give an incredible balance of sweet and spicy notes.
“Cinco Decadas is a Nicaraguan cigar of unparalleled elegance. This cigar is intended to celebrate a special moment in our company’s history and offer an opportunity to pause, reflect, give thanks – and look to the future,” said Dr. Alejandro Martínez Cuenca, Owner and Chairman of Joya de Nicaragua. “It is our most memorable milestone yet and the most memorable of celebrations always require that you rise to the occasion. That’s what Cinco Decadas represents. We want consumers to know that in Cinco Decadas, they will find a cigar so premium that the fact that there’s one in the humidor, will be enough to celebrate,”
Cinco Décadas is presented in an exquisite ivor, white and gold lacquered box of 10 cigars. Each beautiful element of the packaging reflects the value and artistry behind this masterpiece, from the embossed golden leaves, to the 50th Anniversary seal that guarantees its historic origin, the Joya de Nicaragua factory.
For this initial launch, Cinco Décadas will be available only in two vitolas, as a tribute to the first ever to have been been rolled at the Joya production floor back in 1968.
Diadema: 6 x 54 – $19.99/cigar (msrp)
El General: 7×50 – $18.99/cigar (msrp)
The cigars will be made available for retailers to order at the 2018 IPCPR trade show in Las Vegas.