The Crux Cigars Limitada IPCPR Show Exclusive will soon be available in select retailers. Crux announced today the cigars are in the Miami distribution warehouse and will begin shipping immediately. The Limitada IPCPR cigar is a limited release, with only 1,000 10-count boxes each year. The cigar is a 5 x 52 box press with the exclusive Engañoso wrapper and finished with a Marblehead cap. This is the third year for this limited release. MSRP is $10.99/cigar.
JoinedMay 3, 2016
Villiger Cigars will continue their growth in the U.S. marketplace by way of a new distribution agreement with JMG International. This agreement represents a strong distribution channel on the West Coast of the United States. JMG International has established relationships with over 1,000 retail shops throughout California, Washington, and Oregon. JMG International will begin distribution of Villiger’s portfolio of products in the aforementioned states on September 10, 2018.
Since launching Alec Bradley Cigars, Alan Rubin has probably been mistakenly addressed as Alec Bradley a thousand times. People just assume his name is Alec Bradley because, why would he not name his cigar company after himself. For those who still don't know, he named the cigar company for his sons, Alec and Bradley Rubin. Now that they are of age, Alec and Bradley are excited to share responsibility in the company and this year they have released their own cigar. Everything from the blending, design, marketing, and all other facets are handled exclusively by Alec and Bradley. The cigar is called Blind Faith, and is now on the way to retailers.
Davidoff enlisted the talents of Danish artist, Hanne Enemark, to collaborate on its latest humidor design. This partnership reflects the ambition of Davidoff to achieve the highest levels of craftsmanship and innovation, which are imperative to craft a unique humidor. This Masterpiece “Elements” breaks many of the norms of humidor design with sleek architecture and solid construction. Davidoff wanted to find an artist able to complement the impactful and unique humidor design without overpowering it. Enter Hanne Enemark, who rose to the task with her artistry. "It is a wonderful achievement to see how her creativity and hard work will highlight our craftsmanship,” said Edward Simon, Head of Global Marketing & Innovation at Oettinger Davidoff AG.
Drew Estate have shipped Undercrown Dojo Dogma to Drew Diplomat Retailers across the United States. The Undercrown Dojo Dogma is a tweaked blend of the original Undercrown Maduro Corona Viva, with a Mexican San Andres wrapper, Connecticut Stalk Cut Habano Binder, and Nicaraguan and Brazilian Mata Fina fillers. The “Dogma” was originally released as a special cigar to celebrate the anniversary of the Cigar Dojo social media community in 2014.
Davidoff of Geneva announce the opening of the new “Davidoff of Geneva since 1911” boutique in Brooklyn, NY USA. To mark this occasion, Davidoff has partnered with Boris Grossman, owner of Matador Cigars. The new Boutique had a soft opening in spring of 2018. The Williamsburg neighborhood will be the home of the new venture, with creative restaurants, eclectic shops and art galleries, drawing sizeable crowds. The Davidoff of Geneva Brooklyn Boutique will occupy over 2,000 square feet. It will feature a retail space for cigar accessories and a large walk-in humidor offering a wide selection of premium cigars, including a soon-to-be iconic hanging tobacco leaf accent in the center of the humidor. The Humidor leads into a spacious lounge with 90 private lockers, multiple TVs and 30 comfortable chairs.
Fratello Cigars have announced a new distribution partner in Norway, Nordic Cigars. Nordic Cigars has been in the cigar industry since 2017 headquartered in Sandnes, Norway. Fratello Cigars already have presence internationally in the Netherlands, Dominican Republic, Thailand, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Switzerland and Germany. This Norwegian partnership will continue to expand on the expansion of Fratello Cigars in the International marketplace.
In the midst of celebrating their 50th Anniversary, Davidoff will launch an additional Chefs Edition in collaboration with five of the best chefs of the world. Among these top chefs are Thomas Keller from The French Laundry in Yountville, USA, Alvin Leung from Bo Innovation in Hong Kong, Klaus Erfort from his eponymous Gästehaus in Saarbrücken, Germany, Heiko Nieder from The Restaurant in Zurich and Shaun Rankin from Ormer Mayfair in London. There are 12 Michelin stars represented among all of these culinary stars. The common thread in each of these chefs is one passion and one mission to fill people’s time beautifully with their culinary creations. These chefs seek out the finest ingredients in the same way that Davidoff selects fine tobaccos for their cigars.
The line extensions for Drew Estate Liga Privada 9 and T52 that were announced at the 2018 IPCPR trade show have now shipped to Drew Diplomat Retailers. The Corona Viva, Short Panatela, and Petit corona will become core sizes of the No. 9 and T52 facings, featuring the Liga Connecticut River Valley Broadleaf (No. 9) and Stalk Cut Habano (T52) wrapper, over plantation grown Brazilian Mata Fina binders, and Nicaraguan and Honduran fillers. Each of the three new sizes will be presented in 24-count boxes.
Camacho have announced the release of the original Diploma in the 11/18 figurado format. Made with hand-selected high priming Original Corojo tobaccos, the Camacho Diploma blend has been re-introduced to the marketplace for smokers who want a unique, intense and flavorful cigar.