
Cigar News: Ventura Cigar Company Acquires Cuban Cigar Factory

Cigar News: Ventura Cigar Company Acquires Cuban Cigar FactoryTHE TRADITION OF HIGH-QUALITY CRAFTSMANSHIP CONTINUES

June 2017 – is pleased to announce the acquisition of , a boutique, craft cigar business based out of San Diego, CA. The family-run has been creating exceptional products for over 20 years, hand-making their cigars with unique blends that have made them local favorites. plans to increase distribution of these blends through their well-established sales channels, introducing the products to new audiences.
“We’re excited about bringing into the fold of ,” says Benjamin Winokur, Marketing Manager at . “Their reputation in the industry is admirable; we’re pleased to breathe new life into their blends and release them on a national scale.”
Already known for crafting top-quality cigars, welcomes the premium blends from the into their portfolio of offerings. The first of these predicate blends is expected to be introduced in early 2018.

Mark Cassar, CEO of Kretek added, “We’re always looking for those hidden gems, there are amazing cigar-makers out there, but without distribution, they go largely undiscovered. We’re pleased to play an integral part in bringing new experiences and expertise to our customers, along with the traditions of exploring and savoring unique blends.”

Once launched, the blends will be distributed through Phillips & King, along with ‘s other brands and products. Additional information about the products and launch dates will be announced in the coming months.

About Ventura Cigar Company

(VCC) is a unique cigar brand born in sunny Southern California that is on a mission to create memorable, complex cigar blends that excite the senses and reward discriminating palates. Their flagship Archetype, Case Study, Project805, and PSyKo SEVEN brands offer multiple award-winning blends that earned 90+ ratings in Cigar Aficionado, Cigar & Spirits, and Cigar Snob. also distributes the 4th Generation and Comoy’s of London line of pipe tobacco products, extending its reach and tradition of offering top-quality tobacconist products. Pipes and blends under these brands are cultivated through generations of craftsmanship, making them longtime favorites of pipe tobacco enthusiasts.

About Cuban Cigar Factory

Established in 1995, in San Diego California, Cuban Cigar Company is a boutique brand that specializes in manufacturing premium cigars. Hand-rolled by master cigar makers from Cuba and the , cigars have a long-standing reputation for quality, using the finest Cuban-shredded tobaccos from the , Honduras, and . They are a local favorite, sought after for their craftsmanship and enjoyable smoking experiences.