La Gloria Cubana, a brand known for its larger ring gauges and full-bodied cigars, is introducing a new addition to its Serie R line – the La Gloria Cubana Serie R No. 8 Maduro. This new cigar is the largest maduro offering from the brand to date, and it’s set to become a full-time addition to the Serie R franchise. The cigars will ship on February 1, 2023.
The No. 8 Maduro is a described as a powerhouse cigar, and measures 7 x 70. The bold blend uses a Connecticut-grown Broadleaf wrapper, Nicaraguan binder, and a blend of Nicaraguan and Dominican long filler tobaccos. These cigars are rolled at the El Credito Cigar Factory in Santiago, DR, and are distributed by Forged Cigar Company. They come packaged in 15-count, wooden slide-top boxes. La Gloria Cubana Serie R No. 8 Maduro cigars have an MSRP per cigar of $12.29.