The newest release for Sinistro cigars is the El Burro Connecticut. While their 10 Year Anniversary (Coast to Coast) cigar was the main focus for them at TPE, El Burro Connecticut was also on display as a teaser.
The blend uses an Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper, Pennsylvania Broadleaf binder, and Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, and Pennsylvania broadleaf fillers. It is described as medium plus strength. The cigars was blended by James Agopian of Sinistro Cigars, and rolled at El Artista factory IN Dominican Republic.
El Burro Connecticut comes in boxes of 20 and is a regulr production cigar falling in their La Fabrica series. The El Burro Connecticut follows the Maduro and Corojo versions release previously. The connecticut comes in three sizes: Robusto 5 x 52 MSRP $5.77/cigar, Toro 6 x 54 $6.30/cigar, and Presidente 7 x 60 $6.82/cigar
El Burro is the company’s value line. It is a $6-7 cigar that uses a Grade A wrapper with premium long fillers. They say they kept the end cost low by using less expensive boxes and bands, as well as having much lower margins.