Yabacalera La Alianza, one of the most well-known and prolific cigar factories with a legacy of producing award-winning cigars, has undergone a significant rebranding, announced by founder and master blender Ernesto Perez-Carrillo. The factory will now be known as Casa Carrillo, a change that reflects both a sense of home and the enduring legacy of the Carrillo family name in the cigar industry.
With over 50 years of experience, Ernesto Perez-Carrillo has guided the factory to create some of the most acclaimed cigars, such as the E.P. Carrillo lines La Historia, Encore, and Pledge—each earning high honors from various cigar publications over the span of many years.
The name change from Tabacalera La Alianza, which was established by Perez-Carrillo in 2009 in the Dominican Republic, is intended to create a stronger association with the E.P. Carrillo brand and the values it represents.
The term ‘casa,’ meaning home, reflects our essence. It’s where our iconic brands have not just been created but lovingly nurtured, much like a family.
Ernesto Perez-Carrillo
Casa Carrillo is set to continue its dedication to crafting exceptional cigars under the E.P. Carrillo brand and collaborating with both current and upcoming private label partners. The rebranding is seen as a strategic move to reinforce the factory’s commitment to quality and tradition in the cigar industry.
For further details about this change, stakeholders and interested parties are encouraged to connect with Casa Carrillo or visit the new website. Ernesto Perez-Carrillo expresses gratitude for the support throughout their journey and looks forward to a future of producing exceptional cigars under the Casa Carrillo banner.