Today, we are giving away some very cool prizes from J.C. Newman Cigar Co., 5 boxes of the super-rare Brick House Culebras. These are only available at J.C. Newman events and are not for sale. A culebra is three different cigars twisted into one, meant to be separated and shared with friends. The Brick House Culebra contains one of each of the three blends in the line: Double Connecticut, Maduro and Natural. All of the Brick House cigars are rolled at the J.C. Newman PENSA factory in Estelí, Nicaragua. On top of the cigars, we will be including some shirts from J.C. Newman to the first 3 winners.
Basel, April 2017. Davidoff Cigars' mission is to broaden the cigar horizons of the world's aficionados and help them explore and experience the wider world of cigars. Zino Davidoff, a pioneer, a visionary and a guiding spirit, started his life work at an early age. In only five years he travelled across South and Central America: Argentina, Brazil and of course Cuba in search of exciting new flavours. During this life experience he learned everything about tobacco, studying not only how it was cultivated, dried and fermented but more importantly about how best to blend tobaccos into delightful cigars. Following Zino’s footprints, Davidoff Master Blenders are on the same mission: to craft blends that will help aficionados to discover the wider world of tobaccos and experience cigars with exciting and surprising tastes.
Rocky Patel and Hamlet Paredes are releasing a unique size has been added to the Tabaquero by Hamlet Paredes brand. It is a culebra that weaves three long and thin cigars into a sort of cigar braid. The Tabaquero Culebra was first introduced by in early 2017 and used promotionally at in-store Rocky Patel events where Hamlet himself was featured. The great popularity and novelty of the event culebra led to its addition to the Tabaquero by Hamlet line.
MIAMI, FL – Viva Republica™ is pleased to announce the release of its Limited Edition Culebra. The Company has produced one thousand (1,000) coffins each containing a traditional three-piece culebra. The Culebra is comprised of three unique blends, featuring that of the Company’s Rapture, Rapture Maduro and Guerrilla Warfare brands.