Cigar Dojo has collaborated with a LOT of cigar companies to release a special cigar. One they haven't work with, until now, is Fratello Cigars. Their first collaboration cigar is called the After BurnR cigar, a special project with deep ties to each company's unique histories.
Cigar Dojo and Protocol Cigars are collaborating for a fourth time, this time to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of Cigar Dojo. It all started with 2018's K9, followed by two more law enforcement-themed releases Night Stick and Taser. Now, the theme changes, but honors the most tenured members of law enforcement.
Cigar Dojo and Aganorsa Leaf are bringing back the ReviveR for 2021. Many believe this is one of, if not the best collaborations Cigar Dojo has ever done. We even gave it a place on our Top 25 in 2018. Now, it 2021, it is back and more plentiful. Production has been increased from 300 to 500 boxes. The blend and size remain unchanged, but the bands and packaging have gotten a refresh.
2018 was the first time Cigar Dojo and Cubariqueño Cigar Co. collaborated on a cigar, "Protocol K9." The next year the duo released "Protocol Night Stick." And now, in 2021, we get the "Protocol Taser." The idea of all their collaborations has been instruments of law enforcement, now including the tactical taser. It is a valuable asset to many law enforcement agencies as a non-lethal way to incapacitate perpetrators.
Drew Estate announced a new version its collaboration cigar with Cigar Dojo today, Undercrown Dojo Dogma Sun Grown. It will be exclusive to Drew Diplomat retailers and will be showcased on the upcoming Freestyle Live: Special Edition hosted on on June 11th from 7:00-9:00pm EST.
Dunbarton Tobacco & Trust and Cigar Dojo are collaborating on a new Japanese-Themed Sobremesa Cigar. This marks the first time the two companies have collaborated on a cigar. The cigar is the Sobremesa Brûlée “Wagashi” 和菓子, a slightly tweaked version of the original Sobremesa Brûlée blue, Japanese-inspired twist. The name comes from a dessert delicacy of Japan that rose to cultural import during the Edo Period (1603-1857).
2022 is the 10th anniversary of both Espinosa Premium Cigars and Cigar Dojo. To celebrate, the two have collaborated on the Cigar Dojo Travel Kit, a unique travel humidor containing new sizes of Espinosa Habano and Sensei's Sensational Sarsaparilla. Both cigars come in a new Rabito vitola that is a 6 x 48 toro with a twisted pigtail head.
Cigar Dojo and Espinosa are brining back one of the fan-favorite releases. Psychedelic Turtle II is not a re-release of...
Cigar Dojo‘s next collaboration will be with Lost & Found and the name is “Gimmick.” Lost & Found is a...
Last years collaboration between Cigar Dojo and Aganorsa Leaf, Bonsai, has a pre-release during the Rocky Mountain Cigar Festival festivities. It launched nationwide shortly after through online retailer Payless Cigars & Pipes, which is run by Smoker Friendly, the same company that runs the festival. This was one of Cigar Dojo's most successful and fastest-selling collaborations to date. Now, Bonsai is returning to Smoker Friendly, and their online store as a limited, but ongoing release.