November 2020 is the 5 year anniversary of the Jas Sum Kral brand. To commemorate this occasion, the company is releasing a special cigar, the 5 year Reserva -не за секого. не за секого will be released in November of this year and will come in boxes of 15 cigars. The cigars were rolled two years ago and was actually the first cigar rolled at the company's new factory Tabacalera de Aragon S.A
Jas Sum Kral (JSK) has announced a line Extension in their Crna Nok line: Magija. The new 8x48 viotola pays homage to the mystical heritage of Macedonian black magic. The blend draws inspiration from the history of black magic practitioners, known as " volšebnici and vešterki " in the local folklore. The Balkans were revered for their mystical abilities, possessing ancient knowledge passed down through generations.
"This was an enjoyable cigar for me. A little strong on the finish, but the start and middle parts were very memorable. On top of that, it can easily be enjoyed if time is short, and can safely be paired with coffee and tea, as well as with spiced sodas and most beers and spirits. Hopefully, more of these will find their way into my humidor." -Kevin A. (Kevin A.)
This was an excellent cigar. It was a Connecticut, which I usually don't gravitate towards, but as I said before, this is not your typical Connecticut. There is TONS of flavor and many transitions to keep your attention. The cigar was very smooth, and could be enjoyed anytime of the day not just with your coffee or as your 1st smoke of the day, but I will recommend you smoke it on a fresh palate in order to taste all the flavors this stick throws at you. My hat's off to Riste on making a wonderful smoke.
Sota Kator translates to "sweet cookies" and is the new Sweden Regional Exclusive from Jas Sum Kral (JSK).
Jas Sum Kral announced an exclusive cigar for Stateline Cigar Lounge. There will be a release party on November 16th 2019 where Riste Ristevski will be present.
Jas Sum Kral is comin gout with a barber pole version of their Tyrannical Buc cigar next month. The Jas...
"This was an experience that I have never before had. The cigar started off very mild and had me wondering what was going on. However, as it approached the second third the flavors intensified first with the nice pepper flavors followed by the more intense woody and then charred wood flavors. No one flavor stood out and never made for a bad experience. Definitely one for the humidor." -Eric (smalls29)
The new cigar Jas Sum Kral Nuggs will ship April 2019 to all retailers. The company says there is 20mg of Hemp Derived CBD in each cigar. Jas Sum Kral Inc. created a proprietary CBD solution with a laboratory that absorbs CBD at the buccal mucosa.
JSK (Jas Sum Kral) has announced a new cigar: Tyrannical Buc. Included in the press release was this definition of tyrannical: