"I was thoroughly pleased to find that this was a great cigar, especially considering the cigars sheer size. The first two thirds were top-notch. Lots of very pleasing flavors, perfect draw and lots of smoke. The final third, though still great in smoke, burn and ash, was a bit lower on my scale. Still pleasant to smoke, just the added bitterness dropped it down for me. Not surprising though, since this was the end of a very large cigar. I would really like to see how this cigar compares in a smaller vitola." -Jerad (Cigar Federation)
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·"Overall, the cigar was smoking pretty well in the beginning. There were interesting flavors and a good burn. But the final third really made it hard to give an overall rating, because this may have just been a one off error, and more than likely was." -Jerad (Cigar Federation)