"This was a well-performing cigar with a medium to full-bodied experience. This cigar smoked wonderfully construction and draw-wise, however, the variety of flavors exhibited in this cigar were a bit sparse and stuck mostly with the pretzel-like oak-like sweetness. Being fairly linear, this cigars profile will not distract from the medium and full-bodied cigar smokers as it provides plenty of flavor to keep you coming back for more." -John A. (Bostoneo)
Numero Uno was originally a cigar given exclusively to world leaders by Nicaraguan ambassadors. It was first released to the public in 2018 as an event only cigar, then to the broader public in 2019. Now in 2021, the company is bringing back the original two sizes as an annual release.
In 2018, Joya de Nicaragua celebrated its 50th anniversary and a special limited edition cigar, Cinco Decadas. Cinco Decadas pays...
Joya de Nicaragua is celebrating Central America’s Bicentennial with a new Limited Edition Cigar: Dos Cientos. This month is the 200th anniversary of Central American independence from the Spanish empire. Following independence in Latin America and throughout the Caribbean, the American Revolution and French Revolution, Central Americans won their right to self-government and began the process of creating the nations of Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua and Costa Rica.
Alejandro Martinez CuencaAllBlind Cigar ReviewsChurchillConnecticutFeaturedJoya De NicaraguaJuan MartinezNaturalNicaragua
·"This cigar is my gig. Nice mild-medium bodied profile flavors of oak, vanilla, cream, custard, sweet milk caramels and the slightest bit of pepper to give this cigar great character. With unmatched smoothness, this is a cigar I could enjoy time after time after time. If this cigar remains consistent across multiple samples, I would definitely recommend buying these buy the box as it was truly a fantastic smoking experience!" -John A. (Bostoneo)
Joya de Nicaragua has announced a new line extension of their Clásico brand, called Clásico Medio Siglo. They are also updating the look of the original Clásico line. The story of the Clásico goes that in 1970, President Somoza of Nicaragua met President Nixon of the United States for dinner at the White House. Somoza was unaware that his country was making handrolled cigars. After the customary official dinner, Nixon had invited Somoza to retire to the Green Room, where - also as was customary - he invited the Nicaraguan to enjoy brandy and cigars with him. Nixon offered a box - and Somoza was astounded to see it was emblazoned with the brand Nicaragua Cigar Company. He was even more astounded when a smiling Nixon told him it was the official cigar of the White House. He enjoyed them so much that by the time his plane landed back home at Managua Airport, he already had a plan to be part of Nicaragua’s burgeoning cigar industry.
Joya De Nicaragua has announced the Antaño Gran Reserva GT20, a special version of its Antaño Gran Reserva line. The original Antaño goes back to 2001 when the cigar was once considered the strongest in the world, and set the path for Nicaraguan grown for years. The GT20 celebrates the 20th Anniversary of that release.
Today, Joya de Nicaragua announced a new cigar exclusive to TAA (Tobacconists’ Association of America) retailers: Cuatro Cinco Edición Americana....
For the first time, Cigar Dojo and Joya de Nicaragua are collaborating on a cigar: Joya Ninjaragua. The blend has been in the works for over two years, making it the longest project Cigar Dojo has worked on before releasing. The first test blends were given out at a Cigar Dojo-led Drew Estate Cigar Safari, where a group of roughly 15 Dojo members (including myself) were given three test blends. Those members then provided feedback and the most popular blend was then tweaked several more times until the final blend took shape.
Joya de Nicaragua has announced a new size of the Cinco Décadas line, exclusive to Europe: El Embargo. The new size is a gordo vitola and measure 6 x 60. The cigar commemorates the resiliency of Joya de Nicaragua during the events of the 1980's. El Embargo is limited production with only 500 boxes of 10 cigars made. It will be available in select european markets starting this month, with an initial release in the world's flagship store for Nicaraguan Premium Cigar CIGARAGUA, in Amsterdam. A small number of boxes have been allocated for smaller markets in Asia and Latin America in 2021. Respecting its namesake, it will not be sold in the US.