JR Cigar is adding a legendary cigar to its 50th Anniversary celebration cigars - the Oliva Serie V Melanio. The Oliva Serie V Melanio JR 50th is said to be a special tweaked version of the blend that has been on the market since 2012. It is also a unique shape, being the first rounded version of the cigar sold in the US.
"What started out as a phenomenal cigar faded quickly to bitter then harsh. There was such a great sweetness and fruit profile at the beginning I settled in to what I thought was going to be an epic cigar. Instead, the cigar turned dry and earthy with heavy ground coffee and wood notes on the finish. I will be curious to find out what this cigar is and determine if I just got the "one off" from the floor that was just not great, or if this is a common profile of the cigar." -Kevin A. (Kevin A.)
JR Cigar has been celebrating their 50th Anniversary year with a number of new exclusive cigars, but now they have announced a 100-count custom numbered humidor. The humidor was designed by renowned accessory designer Nick Nanavichit and his team at Nsolo Consulting Group. Nsolo previously designed the Davidoff Winston Churchill Wooden Ashtray set as well as several other prominent boxes and accessories.
JR Cigar continues to celebrate their 50th Anniversary with their latest cigar, a special version of one of their most popular house cigars, the JR Ultimate. For this special release, they partnered with AJ Fernandez to make the JR Ultimate 50th Anniversary.
JR Cigar continues its 50th Anniversary celebration, and their next cigar for that occasion is a collaboration with Aganorsa Leaf: Aganorsa Lunatic JR 50th. The Lunatic line is known for large ring gauges and one of the strongest profiles in the Aganorsa portfolio. However, this new version comes in a thinner, 6 x 46 vitola.
"I lit this cigar up shortly after dinner and it hit just the right notes for a quality dessert cigar. If that Snickers profile came out anymore while smoking, I'd have been overjoyed. Either way, this is a cigar worth checking out and I would definitely smoke it again." -Doug S. (Unpossible_1)
JR CIgar continues to celebrate their 50th Anniversary with a growing list of collaborators making exclusive cigars. The latest to join the celebration is Nick Melillo and Foundation Cigars for El Güegüense JR 50th. El Güegüense is Spanish for “The Wise Man,” and is also the name of a Nicaraguan dramatic theater piece from the 16th Century. It is one of the oldest indigenous works in the Western Hemisphere. This was Foundation Cigar Company's first release back in 2016. Melillo chose the name in honor of his love of Nicaragua and its people. In 2020, Foundation released a 5th Anniversary edition of the El Güegüense with a slightly tweaked blend and The Foundation El Güegüense JR 50th is based on that special blend.
JR continues their 50th Anniversary Celebration with a collaboration from Alec & Bradley. Alec and Bradley Rubin are the namesake behind the Alec Bradley brand, chosen by founder Alan Rubin. Alec and Bradley started their own company Alec & Bradley a few years ago.
JR Cigar continues to celebrate its 50th anniversary with a new collaboration with Davidoff – the Davidoff JR 50th. The...
This year marks the 50th Anniversary of JR Cigars, and they have been releasing a string of new cigars to...