Cigar News: Las Cumbres Tabaco Announces Señorial Maduro Natural & Señorial Lancero Las Cumbres Tabacohave announced two new releases Señorial Lancero...
The former vice president of Joya de Nicaragua and sales director of La Aurora has created his own company: Las Cumbres Tabaco, which already has a first blend in the works.
AaronAllBelicosoBlind Cigar ReviewsDominican RepublicEmmettFeaturedHabanoJiunnJose BlancoLas Cumbres TabacoNaturalSandeepSeñorial By Jose Blanco
·"I really liked this cigar. It was a great middle of the day smoke, not too strong, not too weak. It reminded me of the Sun Grown Perdomo Champagne. There was lots of flavor, but not too much spice, until the end, when it needed it. I would definitely smoke this again, and might buy a few to age." -Emmett (rhetorik)