Davidoff Cigars has announced a new Davidoff Winston Churchill collection and a limited edition Toro cigar honoring the man behind the name. The Winston Churchill brand was relaunched in 2014, and has seen unprecedented success in global markets. The brand has two lines "The Original Collection" and "The Late Hour." The Original Collection is a milder and creamier daytime blend while The Late Hour is more robust. The cigars and accessories will be available February 2021 with launch dates depending on country.
Davidoff today announced a new limited edition to the Winston Churchill line, Winston Churchill Limited Edition 2019. The cigar is released in one vitola, a 50 x 5 robusto and only 8,000 boxes will be made. The cigars come in boxes inspired by leather travel cases, and include a Boveda pack so they be taken to travel. The blend uses tobaccos from Nicaragua, Mexico and the Dominican Republic.
AllDavidoffDominican RepublicFeaturedHendrik KelnerMickey T.NaturalQuick Cigar ReviewsRobustoZane G.
·This cigar really surprised me with the flavors going on. It started out with wintergreen mixed with cinnamon then it transitioned into wood, chocolate and finally honey. The burn and construction were both excellent, I mean c’mon it’s Davidoff you pay for what you get. This was a very good smoke if you have the money and feel like treating yourself I highly recommend it.
Media Release - In its mission to take aficionados to new horizons and exciting experiences, Davidoff Cigars launches a new whisky cask aged cigar line - the Winston Churchill Late Hour