United Cigars is adding another cigar to their holiday Firecracker collaborations lineup, this time with Rojas Cigars with the for Cinco De Mayo 2023 and the Rojas Elote Firecracker. Elote (E-Lo-Tay) is a famous Mexican dish more commonly known in the United States as Street Corn. A small flavorful snack comprised of grilled corn smothered in sauce, sprinkled cheese, and cilantro.
The first United Firecracker came out in 2007, making it the first cigar on the market with a long piece of tobacco at the head shaped like a ‘wick’ or ‘fuse’ to capture its name; Firecracker. After a few years on the market, the limited release Firecrackers came to life as United Cigars collaborated with a new manufacturer every year to create a celebration cigar for our nation’s Independence Day. Now, United Cigars extends their holiday collaborations with the Elote Firecracker.
Noel Rojas is known as “The King of the Small Gauge Cigars” making him an ideal partner for a Firecracker collaboration. The Elote Firecracker blend uses the Street Taco Barbacoa blend.
Street Taco came about from my love for traditional Mexican street food and cigars. The Elote Firecracker is a brilliant compliment to this blend.
Noel Rojas, owner of Rojas Cigars
Cigar Info
- Elote Firecracker
- Factory: Tabacalera Flor de San Luis
- Origin: Nicaraguan
- Wrapper: Ecuadorian
- Binder: Nicaraguan
- Filler: Nicaraguan
- Box Count: 16 Cigars
- MSRP: $8.00 Single/ $128 Box 16
- Production: 3,200 Cigars / 200 Boxes
Worlds collided when I first smoked the Street Taco from Rojas. My love of street tacos is well known, and the Elote Firecracker now completes my cravings as a smokable antojito.
Director of Operations for United Cigars, Oliver Nivaud said
The Elote Firecracker will begin shipping to retailers April 17th. With a production limited to 3,200
cigars, these 200 boxes will be allocated to United Firecracker Retailers. Retailers should contact
their local United Cigars representative to learn how to become eligible for Firecracker collaborations and other limited edition releases.