Cigar News: Arango Cigar Co. Now Distributing Miramar Cigarillos

Cigar News: Arango Cigar Co. Now Distributing Miramar Cigarillos

Cigar News: Arango Cigar Co. Now Distributing Miramar Cigarillos
Cigar News: Now Distributing Cigarillos

Arango Cigar Co. Now Distributing Miramar Cigarillos by J. Cortès Cigars

, a national distributor of tobacco products, is now the exclusive U.S. importer/distributor for Cigarillos. They are classified as “little cigars,” and are made by J. Cortès Cigars of Belgium. Cigarillos were formerly distributed by Swisher International, Inc., but are now available only from Arango.

Arango President Michael Gold states, “ Cigarillos are presented in Vanilla, Chocolate and Espresso flavors, as well as Natural. The blend features select tobaccos from Honduras, Sumatra, Java, Brazil, the and . The smoking experience is a mild, creamy complexity seldom found in cigarillos. Their 3-1/4″ x 20 size makes Cigarillos a perfect short, but satisfying smoke, for both long-time and new smokers. ”

Cigarillos come packed ten to a metal tin, and can be found in a counter-top display at tobacco retailers.
Photo caption: Cigarillos in Vanilla, Chocolate and Espresso flavors, as well as Natural, are now exclusively distributed in the US by (file name: