Cigar News: Foundation Cigar Company Introduces Collector’s Limited Edition Chest

Cigar News: Foundation Cigar Company Introduces Collector’s Limited Edition Chest

Foundation Cigar Company Introduces Collector’s Limited Edition Chest

June 12, 2017 Windsor, CT – Experiment Station: There is no question that Cigar Company is intimately tied to the River Valley, but their newest offering has taken this love to the next level. To commemorate and honor the great state of and its tobacco tradition Cigar Company has created for release, a very limited number of Chest Collector “Humidor” Boxes that will be available in stores. “We wanted to honor those predecessors who brought the leaf to the state, worked with different varieties and really put on the map with regards to tobacco. We’re talking about hundreds of years of experimentation to arrive at the incredible point where we are today,” said Nick Melillo, President of Cigar Company.

Cigar News: Foundation Cigar Company Introduces Collector's Limited Edition Chest

The boxes will contain the Cigar Company logo, with the vista burned into the outside of
the box for a simple elegance that belies what is to come below. As the humidor is opened the inside
of the top lid is emblazoned with an original piece of art, with a tobacco field, barn, and individual
plant with the watchful sun from the logo, attributed to none other than the world
famous artist, Alex Thief Operandi. The box itself then opens with a double doored, “cabinet,” style
opening revealing a layer of cigars below, with the two wings each containing cigars. The box is truly
unique and unlike anything out there today.

Cigar News: Foundation Cigar Company Introduces Collector's Limited Edition Chest

“Experiment station was where they kept all the seeds and different varieties while they (the farmers)
were experimenting. It was documented. At the same time this was not just a building and a place but
it was really a state of mind. I know that sounds cliché but truly, these farmers and growers spent
time, money, thought, really painstaking effort to find varieties of tobacco that would not only grow,
but thrive. They were pulling seeds from all over the world bringing them back to and
putting things together. Fast forward to today and we have our amazing Shade and one
and only Broadleaf.”

Cigar News: Foundation Cigar Company Introduces Collector's Limited Edition Chest“We at Cigar Company are honored to be a part of this long and amazing tradition of tobacco in . Our office is on a tobacco field. Fifty-three acres of the most beautiful fields
you have ever seen. When we look out the windows we are looking at three old tobacco barns, that
over the years have seen thousands upon thousands of pounds of tobacco move through on their way
to becoming cigars. Our goal is to keep alive Experiment Station.” Melillo adds.

As of now there will only be a “couple hundred,” boxes made, each containing 30 sticks of The
Tabernacle Corona, the Broadleaf offering from Cigar Company. The boxes
will be available initially for purchase at the IPCPR Show in Las Vegas, 2017.