The annual “Cosecha” release from Mombacho is being shipped to the United States, Europe, and Canada after a 7 week delay from Nicaraguan turmoil. The Coescha 2013 is the second of Mombacho Cigar’s annual release which is a true vintage release, meaning the tobaco in these cigars is from the year 2013 and the cigars were actually rolled 4 years ago and have been aging.
“Cosecha” translates to “harvest” and is often used in the cigar world to show a special release from a specific time period. For future releases, the Cosecha 2014 and 2015 have already been rolled and are resting in the aging room at Casa Favilli until ready for distribution.
“Cosecha is a project that has been in my heart since the day I started working with Mombacho,” said Claudio Sgroi, President and Master Blender of Mombacho Cigars. “True vintage is hard to find in the cigar industry and we have created a cigar that showcases the best of Nicaraguan tobaccos with Cosecha. Cosecha 2012 was great and Cosecha 2013 may be even better.”
This release comes in one vitola, a 6 x 52 toro with a pigtail cap. It comes in 10-count boxes with an MSRP of $21.95 per stick. Only 800 boxes were made. Last years release became hard to find quickly, and the company expects the same this year.
“The Cosecha line has become our most highly anticipated and sought after cigar,” said Robert Rasmussen, Brand Manager of Mombacho Cigars. “Cosecha 2012 was a huge hit for us and I’m expecting Cosecha 2013 to be even bigger.”