2021 will mark the 19th year that Camacho has released a Liberty cigar. This annual release celebrates the birth and history of the United States. This blend undergoes extended fermentation and aging to aid in the marrying of the multi-regional tobaccos.
Creating a cigar inspired by the most prized of American ideals as a companion to our nation’s Anniversary demands the greatest of respect and attention. While the Camacho smoker is as varied as the tobaccos we’ve used from Honduras, Nicaragua, Ecuador and the Dominican Republic, they are united in appreciation for our liberty and the sacrifices that make it possible. This complex and bold blend delivers evolving flavors yet consistent enjoyment. We are proud of this 19th installment of the Camacho Liberty Series and are honored to have the opportunity to create a blend that represents the Americana characteristics and ideals.
Edward Simon, CMO of Oettinger Davidoff AG
This year’s Liberty is a Churchill that measures 7 x 48. The blend uses and Ecuadorian wrapper, Nicaraguan binder and Dominican & Honduran fillers. Only 2,550 boxes were made and they ship in July.